The online racing simulator
Csimpok's MHR set pack
(13 posts, started )
Csimpok's MHR set pack
Basically the idea behind publishing the sets I used for MHR Rank is to make my life easier cos it's faster to reply the link to the setups for those who request it through LFSWorld than to email it to them one by one. Maybe one who plans to start doing the MHR rank can also benefit from it.

Most of these sets are modestly modified versions of older wr sets from , or sets I got from kind people. Because of the new shifting system some cars (GTR's, Formulas) needed new gear ratios.

Don't expect a wonder as I used about 45-90 minutes to hotlap each combo, but I think it's good for start.
Attached files
MHR.rar - 3.3 KB - 777 views
Quote from csimpok :
Don't expect a wonder as I used about 45-90 minutes to hotlap each combo, but I think it's good for start.

i admire ppl that can stand more than an hour in a single combo... i get bored easily... and thanks!
yep, thx csimpok!
#4 - HVS5b
Very generous of you kind Sir
Sorry, what is MHR?
#6 - arco
Main Hotlap Rank

The MHR rank, which stands for the Main Hotlap Rank, consists of 18 selected and varied hotlap charts.

Thanks csimpok!
Thank you both
Niiice. tnx m8
Just want to put my thanks in here.

Its great having some good base setups that we know will work for these tracks, so its now down to tweaking them to suit our driving style

Thanks csimpok
Thank You!
#11 - IDUI
Thank you.
Thx for this setup package
many thanks,very kind gesture!

Csimpok's MHR set pack
(13 posts, started )