Ok few little tips from me...
1. Dont eat or drink much before you go running, eat well about 2-3 hours before you do it. Make sure the foods have proteins. I like to make protein shakes with chocolate, milk, eggs, fruits.
2. There are few types of running styles, it is said that the legs get least tired when you land slightly with your heel first.
3. Remember that running is more psychological than physical exercise, when I always think I cant run anymore I tell myself "Come on, you have to be army strong!"

And realize I can run much more after. Sometimes singing can help you forget about the pain.
4. For me, also good breathing is important, I try to breath in with my mouth and breath out with my nose as slowly as possible.
5. Dont forget to exercise your whole body (push ups, pull ups are always good) as when you run your whole body moves.
I almost got addicted to running when it was warm. Spent whole afternoons running 5 or more km's each day. Best time I got was 2.5 km in 9 minutes. I wish you good luck mate.
And remember...
“using no way as a way, using no limitations as a limitation.”
“As you think, so shall you become.”
“If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.”