The online racing simulator
For god sake.. What the?
(39 posts, started )
I also have the same problem, every server is full of crashers.

Maybe i am gonna buy S2, but when you buy it you have to get another lisence???

Quote :Get S2, get through race1 of CTRA earn your license and your in the clear. Race 1 is the starting server of CTRA and needs a lot of commitment to get to higher licensed servers. But all worth it. There are so much servers availble at S2 with very friendly and fair racing. You wont see any wrecking like you described. And if you see it they will be doing it the last time. They get banned for doing that stuff in S2 servers.

Quote from rainspecialist :ok heres the good servers note that everyone has 1.17-1.18.00 higher laptimes(meaning there are good racers. (my pb is 1.16.35)

My personal best is 1:15.85
Quote from G!NhO :...Maybe i am gonna buy S2, but when you buy it you have to get another lisence???

Go for it!
You will not have to buy another license, but for some servers you will have to "earn" a higher license before you are allowed to race, by racing on beginners servers or getting the required lap time.
This allows the servers to provide closer races by reducing / distributing skills range, works pretty well
Quote :"earn" a higher license

I don't understand...?
What is the license system on here?
Depends entirely on how the server is set up. Most will let anyone race, but others have software in place so you either can't race at all until you've attained a certain 'licence' on their noob servers (like CTRA and Conedodgers for example) or it limits certain cars for the same reason.

It lets the more experienced drivers race against more level opponents, gives the newbies somewhere to practice in a competitive environment and adds more of a progression to what's a very open-ended sim.
Quote from NathanRx-7 :I don't understand...?
What is the license system on here?

He's talking about two seperate things here. If you buy an S2 license, then you get access to all the cars/tracks and S2 servers.

Some servers(really only one or two that I know of) require you to have a special "license" to race on them. For example, the CTRA servers. There is a server 1 and 2. You start out racing on server 1 with slower cars, and when you get enough points you get a license which allows you to race on server 2 with faster cars. This license is not an official LFS thing, and is only used on the CTRA servers.
Oh right okay thanks.
Quote from NathanRx-7 :I don't understand...?
What is the license system on here?

They are referring to the CTRA X-System, which is an external addon not related to LFS itself.

LFS has two different licenses, S1 (the old one with limited content) and S2. Third one (S3) is still to come when the game development reaches that stage.

EDIT: Whoops, this was let open as I did my grocery shopping
TOTALLT OT: Where in leeds are you?

I guess to keep some on topic ness...the S2 community rules, and the servers are way better, just DONT EVER go on a cruise server
Quote from R34GTR :TOTALLT OT: Where in leeds are you?

I guess to keep some on topic ness...the S2 community rules, and the servers are way better, just DONT EVER go on a cruise server

Armley, home of the chavs :/
Yeah and where I live is rough too... Damn on bonfire night my street ISNT the place to be. Chavs throwing em in the garden n that...
Quote from gezmoor :Nathan,

Stay off the fusion servers they are usually amongst the worst.

I am aware that my servers attract alot of attention in the demo section of the sim, because they are so popular. Therefore i am taking measures to ensure that the racing on these servers are kept as clean as possible so that you can test the game propperly. I am putting together a small "underground" admin team to monitor theses servers. The admins have nothing to do with fusion, however they are respectable people with a mature attitude towards their role. I will be taking more of these people on to help combat this issue.

Please DO NOT apply to become an admin. You will be selected.

Also LFS Lapper will soon be installed on these servers with swear filters / spam filters and idle detection.

We at fusion want you to experience the very best that LFS has to offer in its servers, and i am taking measures to ensure that this is the case.

Quote from NathanRx-7 :I'm sick of the people in the Demo servers!
People who wait for you on the long strip to ram you out of control!
The community on the forums is excellent, VERY friendly, very good... But on the servers.. Ohhh thats a different story! I was 1'st, last lap, and then on the long stretch some dude was waiting in the middle, then pushed me into the wall, causing me to spin about 20 times, cause my tyers to completely burn, meaning I can't drive!
I don't think I'm gonna be able to play untill I get S2, because it's a great game... But a minority of them ruin it, and they're on EVERY server!
Has ANYONE got a good Demo server that doesent have sad acts waiting to ram you in?
If not I won't be on LFS for 3 weeks (till I get cash for S2) and it's a shame cus I really enjoy the game...

If anyone knows any, PLEASE tell me...


yes, the [PINK] server, of DFH| servers
Okay I've got S1, and there's only the CTRA race with players in, but eh, it's better than 20 servers full of smashers!
Hopin to buy S2 sometime next week maybe.


For god sake.. What the?
(39 posts, started )