Obviously - I was just saying that the adult way to deal with this is to engage the posters when they post, rather than adding to the clutter with garbage like this thread, posted in the wrong place, and doing nothing more than reiterating familiar mantras.
Agreed. People still need to vent somewhere though. If it must be on this forum, it might as well be in a thread that isn't particularly important and I can bin when nobody's looking.
As all the requests were in this part of the forum, I thougt it the best place to post it.
If you want to say the same thing over and over when replying to people asking for free roam and drift additions then it's your time to waste. But surely thats much more of an addition of clutter, garbage and reiterating familiar things?
All I will say is this, people that opt to drift using this game are well aware that nothing comes close to the way the car reacts when oversteering, point being its better than any other game.
Drifting is not "racing", sure if we argue something in relation to recovering from oversteer, but not drifting.
I agree with you only if someday we will be able to create our own tracks. Then LFS is the simulator, and we provide the track we would like it to simulate.
Actually, its your choice: LFS is not your property and its not your decision what people do with it or what gets posted here. It is however within your power to ignore what you don't want to deal with.
But while we're at it, why not list all the the other LFS repetitions:
When is S3 coming out?
Why is LFS so expensive?
Can someone give me a licence?
Can I share my licence?
Can we have more tracks?
Can we have the Nordschleife?
Can we have real tracks?
Can we have real cars?
Some n00b wrecked me/stole my skin!!
Why is LFS the best thing since sex?
When is S2 coming out?
Hey! Demo user! Get a licence!
Ok, I'm bored now, but you know the list is endless... I have to say that if the drift layout thing is the only request that drives you nuts, then you're probably more resilient than you think you are.
You're right I should just stay out of the areas that frustrate and annoy me, which I do try to do, it's just a morbid curiosity that I can't resist some times.
And even though I'm not a dev I have been around long enough and have enough confidence in the devs to know the direction and goal of LFS.
I agree with you, mut I agree with garph even more. I'm so sick of you-know-what.
+ 100. Very good improvement suggestion.
Though I think, as a downside the "General LFS Discussion" would turn disasterous. Like it weren't already. :|
"Suggestions" for new cars or types of cars (or vehicles in general, for that matter). For divers reasons--they are an exercise in futility!
"I think this car should be in LFS!" Odds are no one will disagree--anyone of sound mind wants as many cars as possible!
These threads all turn into "yeah that car would be great but these are the cars i would like: &c." and following arguments over which car is better and why.
I don't think LFS needs to be classified as a sim for any specific driving application. if it has super realism, it can be used to PRACTICE for anything from drag racing, racing, rallying, drifting, and other stunt driving. there is no need to stick with anything, if it simulates a real car, it can be used for anything
Renaissance? You mean a simulator of 14th century nostalgia for an Arcadian state of grace?
Sorry, uncalled for sarcasm on my part ... especially since I guess you mean that the LFS community should have space for a wide combination of disciplines?
I think everybody can post what they want to post! otherwise it wouldn't be "Improvement suggestions" but it would be "Improvement sugestions but only for racers and nobody else"
I realy don't see the problem of people asking for drift or cruise or enything related questions. if you don't like drifting you don't reed it or put yr opinion in it. if you don't like cruise you don't read it!
There are so many crap topics about racing lets talk about that and close them!
and talking about growing up.. people always disliking others sugestions and don't have an open mind for it need to grow up!
It wasn't about people asking for this stuff, but at the time it was more about the sear number of people asking for it over and over again, starting new topics and repeat posting without even looking a few posts down (where they would have seen about 5 topics all about the same thing) let alone searching.
I don't know why this has been resurrected but check out the post date before adding more
everyone should be allowed to request whatever he likes. and drift-racing is a form of racing. there are a lot of leagues IRL for this kind of racing. so why shouldn't lfs support this style of racing?
the cruising thing is a different thing but still its popular in lfs, why not support the community with that. although i still do net get the sense of it :/
the "circuit racers" got enough things the last few updates, so now others (RallyX, Drifters, Drag-Racers, Oval-lovers) should get something new in the next few patches.