The online racing simulator
Kyoto 500?
(145 posts, started )
Quote from racer hero :Is the 250 going to be on the weekend after the march break? This is the date I would suggest.

What date's that?
Saturday March 8th or Saturday March 15th.
Are we going to get a subforum? Also, weekends would likely be good.

What would be the time? Can it be around 23:00 GMT?

And will we be registered as real names or nicknames (real names makes it seem more professional).
Quote from lizardfolk :What would be the time? Can it be around 23:00 GMT?

way too late for me it's 1 am here then.
20:00 or21:00 should do better
20:00 or 21:00 would probablly be good.
i want to join!!
Shoot that is too early for me. I guess my only option now would be to join the summer race.
The 250 race will be on one of the dates suggested above by Racer Hero, and it will start at 2000 GMT.

There will be a 30 min quali session - with 6 sets of 5 cars qualifying for 5 mins each.

The race proper will start at 2045 GMT, then it will be done by 2200-2230 GMT.
What would be cool would be if we could do an insim that when a car crashes it slows all cars down after they catch the leaders and puts the speed limiter on.
Yeah that sounds good.
Is DR gonna borrow their server for this raceevent?
(mcgas001) DELETED by mcgas001
Quote from -NightFly- :Are we gonna borrow DR's server for this raceevent?

Only if mccgas can't give us his server(s).
Quote from J@tko :Only if mccgas can't give us his server(s).

does he have runs them in his own pc or he uses special server....just curious because in one case servers might get unstable if they get crowded
Quote from -NightFly- :does he have runs them in his own pc or he uses special server....just curious because in one case servers might get unstable if they get crowded

He has his own dedi server. Anyway, DR have 4 servers that are not usually occupied anyway so if we have any issues, then I'm sure DR won't mind us changing.
I have a rented server i use for mysql database's, lfs servers, and other stuff, its on a 1GB connection lol
Quote from mcgas001 :I have a rented server i use for mysql database's, lfs servers, and other stuff, its on a 1GB connection lol

good to hear...that should do fine, I just thought if u haven't got any reliable server then halfords racing would kindly offer his help with this problem. But I think we have a reliable server offered by mcgas here.

BTW nice signature mcgas
for interesting oval racing, try the FZ5, you have to brake for corners.
Quote from Zachary Zoomy :for interesting oval racing, try the FZ5, you have to brake for corners.

braking on oval?...what next? right turn somewhere?
Quote from Zachary Zoomy :for interesting oval racing, try the FZ5, you have to brake for corners.

The best way to have braking on corners is to add a short track oval. I made one before (it was only .41 miles LOL)
thanks for letting me help out J@tko
For the stock car race how about using the XRT only instead of the GTR class? Closer racing, and handles more like a stock car
Quote from lizardfolk :For the stock car race how about using the XRT only instead of the GTR class? Closer racing, and handles more like a stock car

Because we really want this to be as realistic as we can. But we might be able to make an XRT league or something if J@tko is up for it.
Quote from lizardfolk :For the stock car race how about using the XRT only instead of the GTR class? Closer racing, and handles more like a stock car

Good idea, but I think that we'll stay with the GTR class for more realistic power. (Unless Bob's tweak comes out in time........ )

Quote from NtrlBrnRacer :But we might be able to make an XRT league or something if J@tko is up for it.

You must be joking

I've barely time for the LFSBC and this, let alone anything else
Yeah kinda figured that
i have a idea but u probably wont like it XRG with this set XR GT_oval.set very i mean VERY close racing up to 5 wide sometimes just try it sometimes theres a server called Geuss motorsports it runs that most of the time.
Attached files
XR GT_oval.set - 132 B - 124 views

Kyoto 500?
(145 posts, started )