The online racing simulator
Replay files formats
(10 posts, started )
Replay files formats
Hi guys.

In the S1 version, "Drive Test" was used as the UserName, but in the S2, the real UserName is used and I think the their is a byte inserted in a flag.
I've tried to upload the "Drive test" SPr on LFSWorld but it has been refused, so this info is stored in the file but Scawen forgot to specify where in the SPR file format (here :

I've tested others SPR file and the "Player flags" note given in the page seems to be bad.
Does someone knows where is the "Drive Test" flag or byte in the SPR files ?

... 10 minutes after ...

The "Test Drive" and the "TEST DRV" strings are stored at offset $49D and $4B5 in one of my replays used for test... too far to be loaded with the Scawen's struct
I'll try with others files to see if those string are always at the same offset...

... to be continued
Does this make any sense? :/
I need this info for one of my soft. I looks for all my PB in all the replays to send them on the the LFSFrance Hotlaps web page, but if I (or a player) done an HLVC pb in the "Test drive" mode, this replay has to be ignored (like on LFSWorld)
I'm confused as well :s
I think that he's saying, in S1, if you recorded an SPR of you taking a test drive of someone elses setup, the player name field would be changed to 'Test Drive' in the spr file.
In S2 the player name remains, but there is a byte flag somewhere to say its a test drive.

Thats how I understand it anyway.
that is it...

but much more interesting are the (wr)-setups stored in those files
I hope to god that was a joke......I really dont want to have to explain the hows and whys of setup's in replays again :rolleyes:
Setup data was not my question. I only wanted to know how to be sure that a HLVC replay has been made with our own setup and not driven in Test Drive Mode.
colcob has well understand my problem and oper@tor needs to understand that his sentence is not very wellcome here, in the LFS Programmers Forum.
If cheaters have their own forum, I don't thing that it's hosted by
I've just had a re-read of colcob's comment, and your recent post and I now understand what you want (I must've been having a very dumb moment)

It wasnt a dig at you Stef, I was just concerned that oper@tor might drag this into the same old discussion
No problems

Replay files formats
(10 posts, started )