Hi, I would like to suggest to make it possible to enter a Team Tag under the Player options in game.
I work with point calculation in a league called Torsdagsrace, and to be able to export Teaminfo trough insim would be great, this is manual work for me today. Also it would be great if player name ingame could be superseeded with Teamname, As most drivers do manually.
Just something i noticed, hope to see the function in the future, maybie i´m not the first to suggest.
By the way, Thanks for a great game. LFS is my first and probably my last Race simulator..
Kind regards
Joakim (S}{adow)
I work with point calculation in a league called Torsdagsrace, and to be able to export Teaminfo trough insim would be great, this is manual work for me today. Also it would be great if player name ingame could be superseeded with Teamname, As most drivers do manually.
Just something i noticed, hope to see the function in the future, maybie i´m not the first to suggest.
By the way, Thanks for a great game. LFS is my first and probably my last Race simulator..

Kind regards
Joakim (S}{adow)