Hi everybody,
I'm a 26 year old computer programmer from Portland, OR USA.
I have a 2000 Audi a4 quatro which I enjoy driving, but don't have the cash to put into racing for real. So over the last month I got interested in racing games. I got Dirt and enjoyed it a lot, but it just didn't feel right. So then I picked up Race 07 which was also a lot of fun, but while looking around for the MOST realistic driving sim I was obviously introduced to LFS. I love it!
I started mainly driving with the XFR since it's fast and agile, but decided I should drive with the FXO because it pretty much what my A4 is (even got a nice Audi skin on it until I have some time make my own) I've been sticking mainly to Aston National.. Like the mix of Long sections and the tight corners.
I've uploaded hotlaps for aston national for the FXO and XFR and since I joined after the Y patch stat clear I'm happy to have my times on the board (though i'd love to see more people put in times to really see how my times compare to a larger section of people)
I've gone online a couple times but haven't done a race (how long do you usaly hang around a server until it starts?). I also joined a cruise server for a few hours (enough to buy the second car) but it was pretty dead.. no cops and basicly just hung around to get a feel for the money gains etc.
I've read a bit on here about servers that are good to start on.. people recomend CTR servers I think it was.. so intend to pop on there sometime soon.
Oh and a side note. I have done some programming work with the Wiimote and if time and inspiration hit me at once, I plan on making a 6DOF head tracking setup that uses the wiimote IR camera (wiimote is better than those webcams becuase it is 1024x768 res, native IR, and tracks 4 points with onboard chip so it won't be hard on the computer)
so that's my introduction
I'm a 26 year old computer programmer from Portland, OR USA.
I have a 2000 Audi a4 quatro which I enjoy driving, but don't have the cash to put into racing for real. So over the last month I got interested in racing games. I got Dirt and enjoyed it a lot, but it just didn't feel right. So then I picked up Race 07 which was also a lot of fun, but while looking around for the MOST realistic driving sim I was obviously introduced to LFS. I love it!
I started mainly driving with the XFR since it's fast and agile, but decided I should drive with the FXO because it pretty much what my A4 is (even got a nice Audi skin on it until I have some time make my own) I've been sticking mainly to Aston National.. Like the mix of Long sections and the tight corners.
I've uploaded hotlaps for aston national for the FXO and XFR and since I joined after the Y patch stat clear I'm happy to have my times on the board (though i'd love to see more people put in times to really see how my times compare to a larger section of people)
I've gone online a couple times but haven't done a race (how long do you usaly hang around a server until it starts?). I also joined a cruise server for a few hours (enough to buy the second car) but it was pretty dead.. no cops and basicly just hung around to get a feel for the money gains etc.
I've read a bit on here about servers that are good to start on.. people recomend CTR servers I think it was.. so intend to pop on there sometime soon.
Oh and a side note. I have done some programming work with the Wiimote and if time and inspiration hit me at once, I plan on making a 6DOF head tracking setup that uses the wiimote IR camera (wiimote is better than those webcams becuase it is 1024x768 res, native IR, and tracks 4 points with onboard chip so it won't be hard on the computer)
so that's my introduction
