1.) why is there this bale chicane, it is nearly useless for multiplayer. If someone hits it the bales disappear, and the pack can race there as if nothing is there.
2.) why is there this tightened up streight? it would cause trouble during a race.
3.) the last sector before finish, the chalk section, is to heavy to go through. I mean in cockpit view, you're not able to see what happens, where you have to drive.
something general. Although the track is "stop'n'go"y you can miss your breaking point. On your layout, there is no space for survival. If someone ends up in the barriers he's killed out of the race.
now to the good points:
you really understood it to built a long track on this areal. There is also an overtaking opportunity at the end of the main straight. It is very technical, and in a longer race with full grid, i could imagine that it is fun. (okey, depends on the skills of these guys.) If you race with MRTs the bale chicane is quiet useful. I did my test laps with the FOX, and it was good to drive.
all in all a really nice layout with potential to be better

good work