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Hamilton commits to McLaren until 2012
Hamilton commits to McLaren until 2012

McLaren have announced a five-year extension to their contract with star driver Lewis Hamilton. The new agreement, which starts for 2008, will run up to and including the 2012 season.

The announcement takes the length of McLaren’s relationship with Hamilton to a total of 15 years, believed to be among the longest running associations between a sportsman and a team in motorsport history.

"It’s fantastic for me that Vodafone McLaren Mercedes has extended my contract until 2012,” said Hamilton, runner-up in the 2007 drivers’ championship. “Whilst last year was my first year with the team in Formula One, I have been connected to McLaren and Mercedes-Benz since 1998 and feel that I could easily drive for this team for the whole of my Formula One career.”

Hamilton narrowly missed out on last year’s title after an amazing rookie season, which saw him take four Grand Prix victories. And while his new deal is almost certain to make him one of Formula One racing’s best paid drivers, the 23-year-old Briton insisted he is firmly focused on more success in the seasons ahead.

“I am with the right team to compete for race wins and both the drivers’ and constructors’ world championships in the future,” he added. “We will have a lot of challenges ahead, but I am 100 percent positive I am with the people to take them on.”

Announcing Hamilton’s new contract, McLaren team principal Ron Dennis said his driver had more than earned a pay rise: “Given Lewis’s performances over the course of the 2007 season, it is clear that improved financial terms were fully deserved and this formed part of the friendly negotiations with Lewis’s manager Anthony Hamilton.”

Following the departure of Fernando Alonso at the end of last season, Hamilton will race alongside former Renault racer Heikki Kovalainen in 2008. Both team and driver are confident it will prove to be a fruitful partnership.

“I am enjoying working closely with Heikki, Pedro (de la Rosa), Gary (Paffett) and the team as we push hard with the development of the MP4-23,” said Hamilton. “We have 57 days to go until the lights go out on the grid at Albert Park and we are motivated to make the most of this time and arrive in Melbourne with a competitive car."

McLaren’s Formula One CEO Martin Whitmarsh added: “Since Heikki joined the team in December, it has become more apparent how well he and Lewis will work together to become a competitive force for the team. We feel confident we have the prospect of another exciting season ahead."

#2 - mr_x
I'm bored of Lewis Hamilton... Like really, really sick of hearing his name!!

He just annoys me, because his dad had the money, all he had to do was drive.

Yes he has talent... but he wouldn't be noticed if he was in a Torro Rosso for instance.

The fact that I hate F1 doesn't figure in this, I'm beginning to hate Lewis Hamilton just as much.

I could go on...

Quote from mr_x :I'm bored of Lewis Hamilton... Like really, really sick of hearing his name!!

He just annoys me, because his dad had the money, all he had to do was drive.

Yes he has talent... but he wouldn't be noticed if he was in a Torro Rosso for instance.

The fact that I hate F1 doesn't figure in this, I'm beginning to hate Lewis Hamilton just as much.

I could go on...


His dad didn't just 'have' the money. I know his old man had to work his nuts to get decent funds for Hamilton's racing when he did Cadets. And he didn't just 'drive', I should know, I was racing (in the loosest sense, more like getting BEATEN) him back in the day!

now I gotta get back to doing 50 push ups in a minute

onnneee..... twwwwooooo.... thrrrreeeeeeee lol
The only reason his dad had the money was because he worked 3 jobs to get it. Lewis is not the son of some millionaire, he is from a normal middle class family, that is why he is so popular. Look at drivers like Nico Rosberg, Bruno Senna, the Mansell sons, Ralf Schumacer etc., the only one with talent in that bunch is Nico Rosberg.

Anyway enough Hamilton bashing, its getting almost as boring as seeing him on the news just because he sneezed and he is British. BBC News 24 covered this story and the reporters didn't even know if F1 was a season or a league. Not Hamilton's fault though, its the over excited media, don't blame him for moving to Switzerland.

I think its a smart move to sign this new deal, he is young so he can still move teams after those 5 years if he wants to. But I don't expect Mclaren to drop off in any way, looking at this years car I think they will be very fast and very equal to Ferrari's pace on all the tracks.
Quote from mr_x :I'm bored of Lewis Hamilton... Like really, really sick of hearing his name!!
Lewis Hamilton just as much.

I could go on...[/rant]

No doub't you could go on, - with this rubbish - quite easy when you make it up as you go along, and it has no truthful basis anyway.

If anyone deserves to be in their position it is they, they have worked tirelessly to make their achievements, - whilst your jealousy builds.

Get a life, everytime Luis speaks I admire his maturity - he will make a fine ambassador for motorsport, as he is already.

No doub't Ron is rewarding Luis for the extra millions of people around the world that are now watching the sport because of him.

Well......maybe except for one
i am sick of hearing him on the news too. but we cant blame him its not his fault.

get bak to the topic, well contract means nothing in F1 i bet toyota can get him out with a few millions(dont know what are the prices in F1 but you get my point) quids. Money is all matters in F1 simply because Formula One is no longer a sport, its more like a business.
#7 - mr_x
Quote from Polyracer :No doub't you could go on, - with this rubbish - quite easy when you make it up as you go along, and it has no truthful basis anyway.

If anyone deserves to be in their position it is they, they have worked tirelessly to make their achievements, - whilst your jealousy builds.

Get a life, everytime Luis speaks I admire his maturity - he will make a fine ambassador for motorsport, as he is already.

No doub't Ron is rewarding Luis for the extra millions of people around the world that are now watching the sport because of him.

Well......maybe except for one

I'm not sure who this Luis guy is you speak of?

I didn't realise his dad worked hard for it... thanks for correcting me I don't tend to follow it much... I hear 'Lewis Hamilton' and automatically think "if you mention his name again I'll *switches tv off*"
Thanks for the correction Luis (lol)

Nope these guys are different - they put the hours in for their rewards, - they had a goal and got there, yup F1 did sort of turn into the Lewis Hamilton show last year.

But don't you think its so much better than the Michael Schumaker show
#9 - mr_x
I couldn't care less to be honest. F1 has bored me for the last 10 years, I can't see it being any different for the next 10 years

this quote sums it up nicely IMO:
Quote from NSX_FReeDoM :Formula One is no longer a sport.

Until 2012. Until Kimi wins 4 more. Until F1 goes Green and loses every last viewer.

I can't stand Lewis, only because I'm a die hard Ferrari fan. He says he'll stay with Mclaren forever, but in 2012 when Ferrari(if they are stupid enough to stay in the "Green" F1) drives up to his house with a huge contract he'll think differently.
#11 - Jakg
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Not Hamilton's fault though, its the over excited media, don't blame him for moving to Switzerland.

He recently admitted he did it for Tax Reasons and NOT because of the media.
#12 - JCTK
Quote from Jakg :He recently admitted he did it for Tax Reasons and NOT because of the media.

I thought it was a bit of both~?
surely he didn't move all the way to Switzeland just because of tax... it can be a major contributing factor through~

PS. on this topic, I'm sick of the media, especially British one, for going crazy about LH... it's hardly his fault...

Spain were all crazy about Alonso too, just that what they wrote were in Spannish and most of us won't have a clue about what's being written and thus chose to ignore it...
but surely Alonso would've made the news in Spain just as often as Lewis did in GB...
British media will hype Hamilton because Hamilton is, news flash, British!

No doubt the guy has loads of talent and earned his stripes, though. Personally I think Ron Dennis and McLaren are ripping him off. He's getting, if I recall correctly, only 70 million over the next 5 years. That's only in the upper-middle salary range for F1 drivers.
#14 - DeKo
Quote from samjh :British media will hype Hamilton because Hamilton is, news flash, British!

No doubt the guy has loads of talent and earned his stripes, though. Personally I think Ron Dennis and McLaren are ripping him off. He's getting, if I recall correctly, only 70 million over the next 5 years. That's only in the upper-middle salary range for F1 drivers.

I know, 70 million quid is a disgrace, barely enough to live on. Thats only 14 million a year
Quote from DeKo :I know, 70 million quid is a disgrace, barely enough to live on. Thats only 14 million a year

Well, you know, I'd love 14 million a year. But you've got to compare the salary to the rest of the driver market in F1.
Most of which earn a lot less than $10m
Quote from samjh :Well, you know, I'd love 14 million a year. But you've got to compare the salary to the rest of the driver market in F1.

And how many of them drivers in the F1 market got their career paid for by one man?

The amount of money Ron Dennis will have spent on Hamilton will be in the millions before he even reached F1, so Hamilton is probably grateful for that. Otherwise chances are he may have no made it to where he is today.
Its a sound investment by McLaren. Hamilton is probably the most valuable asset on the F1 grid, especially for Macca. And it was Hamilton's WDC battle that saved Macca from being excluded by the FIA.

I would imagine Hamilton has probably secured decent sponsorship for the team over the next few years, so he will probably offer quite a hefty return on investment for the team.
Quote from keiran :And how many of them drivers in the F1 market got their career paid for by one man?

The amount of money Ron Dennis will have spent on Hamilton will be in the millions before he even reached F1, so Hamilton is probably grateful for that. Otherwise chances are he may have no made it to where he is today.

Good point. I didn't think of that.