WTH is going on here? Keeping people off bus lanes is now important enough to give the powers that be the right to punish people by bodily harm? One car had kids in the back and one driver smashed the windscreen with his skull. What country is this? Looks like England?
well ... people will be stupid enough to try and go through them... there are actually large signs up at those types of bollards, Their like city bus routes mainly used in places that just love cycling.
I'm not defending the council's bus route rubbish and traffic management (if thats what you call it) but more .. .bashing the stupidity of "SOME" drivers.
No matter how stupid people are, how on earth can a traffic control department be given the right to hurt people? Not even police are allowed to do that. The bollards should be programmed to not lift when something is on top of it. Which it seems is even written in law: http://www.manchestereveningne ... er_needing_treatment.html
from the way that tosser in the suv accelerated towards those bollards (you can clearly see the front rising) he was fully aware that those things come back up quickly
sad for the kid but to be honest he shouldnt be allowed to breed in the first place
they dont
as soon as the car is on top the bollards did stop rising in every single scene of that video
this one is pretty good too
worst female parking i ever witnessed myself was an older woman id guess in her 60s trying to park a vw polo at the side of the road at an intersection
thanks to the intersection she easily had a good 5 metres in front of her parking spot with no obstruction whatsoever so all she had to do was line the car up and then reverse straight back
after 4 attempts which either ended up on the kerb or a mile into the road she gave up and decided that about a metre from the kerb isnt that bad after all
I don't care if the guys are idiots that harm the gene pool, I care that the equivalent of a metal traffic warden has the right to injure people. Imagine the situation was that a guy drives through into the restricted area and is then stopped by the police. Would the policeman be allowed to smack him in the face with a baseball bat and then move on to destroying the car?
And yeah, so the bollards stop moving after they have totalled the car. My point was that they shouldn't extract if it's not safe to do so. I Didn't say anything about retracting every time a car comes close. Nobody would accelerate into those things once they are fully extended and visible.
id have to agree with you if those drivers didnt know exactly what they were up against
they did however so its entirely their fault
plus 2 of these had the car speeding at it from 2 or more metres back while the bollard was already on the rise
how exactly would you program it to make those situations safe without defeating their purpose?
The councils are not hurting people...People are hurting THEMSELVES! If they are too stupid or choose to ignore the warning signs then I have absolutely ZERO sympathy for them.
I would LOVE to see a similar scheme implemented in Oxford, instead of the silly No Entry signs and CAMERAS that we have now. It amazes me the number of people who IGNORE the no entry signs, then COMPLAIN that they receive a fine!!! FFS..If you go through a speed camera you are gonna get done, so WTF is different about ignoring a No Entry sign??
No, they are not meant to harm people, it is just similar to automatic gate, just in smaller space. And there are huge signs and paintings in road that warns from that, I'll say if person still is enough stupid to try go there he should not have license at all and certainly not kids, I'm sure UK has already enough stupid people, they don't need anymore of those sheeps
I don't buy it. If warning and visibility were sufficient there wouldn't be so many incidents. Where are the videos of people crashing into regular gates? (yes, I know there's one in this thread but that one is well, err different)
find a video where someone crashes into them without accelerating hard right before it
i havent seen anything in there that would suggest that either one of these 3 drivers didnt know perfectly well those bollards are there
I'm starting to think J.B. once was one of these morons
Come on J.B. It's obvious these people KNOW those bollards (or however you call them) are there, and they KNOW they'll go up right behind the bus. And the things react like they should: they go up after the bus, when someone crashes into them or drives over them while going up, they stop.
It's like driving out of a payed car lot, you know when you'd follow the car in front the beam will go down and might hit you. These things just come from a different place...
The goal is to stop people going into a restricted area. There are many ways to do this without hurting anyone but the bollard system is not one of them as proven by the videos.
Yes, the people were stupid enough to deserve what they got but that doesn't mean that the department of bus lane management isn't way out of line here. They're not protecting military secrets or something.
In cities over here they have those things too, I'm not sure if they go up the same way though. But there is a sign that warns you for backing into them
There is so many stupid people that won't just follow instructions at all, that is polite way to say get grip of yourself and find that spine of yours.
Hard way would be good old fashioned spanking in public.
Just noticed something else in that clip...at approx 1.12, where the Chelsea Tractor is going for it...there is a couple with a pushchair waiting to cross...at the speed he went to try to beat the bollards, he nearly rebounded into them!
That tw@t of a driver should be put up against a wall and shot.
It's a big red circle. Nothing really that would prepare you for the consequences. In fact it's the same sign that would usually cost you a 20€ ticket not a totalled car and windscreen in your face.
The pole has just one major fault in it. By design it doesn't intimidate people from not trying to sneak past it. By design, there always needs to be some kind of extra time before the pollard goes back up and that time always encourages some people to try to slip past it. It is the same thing with all kinds of gates, when people notice that it takes few extra seconds before the gate automatically closes. The result is quite obvious.
Imho, the sad thing is, the driver is not the only one who is in danger. The car damage is imho ok and that's why the pollards are made so tough (also it lasts a bit longer ).
But what about the passengers? And as you see from video, there is nothing preventing the car from rebounding off over some hard-working tea drinker.
Maybe if you added few rows of them over larger area ahead with more visible colors people would actally see that they are rising before they try their stunts? You don't even see from a van or any other bigger truck that are they lowered or not .
:soapbox: Its not "A Big Red Circle" at all..its an illuminated NO ENTRY SIGN!!!!! (just not clear in that video!)
20€ ?? Here in Oxford it will cost you more like €50..and THAT'S only if you pay up quickly, otherwise its €100.
There are warning signs everywhere, the restrictions have been well advertised both in the press and on teh interwebs
... yet people STILL choose to ignore them..they are there for a reason, so instead of a poxy fine, I advocate rising bollards here...but intead of silly little one that come up slowly and stop as soon as something hits it...I would like to see a bloody great spike that shoots out of the ground from directly under the drivers seat..that would impale them to the roof of their poxy little car :drevil: