What a joke. Instead of getting that friggin 1.03 patch out - which should've been out a year ago - he yet again changes his mind and starts doing ANOTHER car. 
But wait, you might say an additional car is good... wrong! It will just mean you'll have to wait another year till he is "finished", then he'll change his mind again and implement yet another car (or bike, or plane, or maybe a jetski) with the public still waiting for 1.03, if anyone still bothers to wait for it at that point.
If he had at least chosen to get a proper, normal tintop car into the sim, even if it would've been a fictional one... but nooo, of all cars there are it has to be another single seater and to top it off it's a practically unraceable F1 car. I mean, the real F1 barely manages to be interesting with top skilled racedrivers behind it, oh surely this will work out greatly in a sim. We have 50000+ S2 licensed racers and out of these we'd maybe get one or if we're lucky two full grids with racers that are as consistent and competitive as real F1 drivers - if you fill two F1 grids with nKP drivers, you've used up half their active community (an optimistic guess). Bah, why do I even bother...
Seriously, WTF?

But wait, you might say an additional car is good... wrong! It will just mean you'll have to wait another year till he is "finished", then he'll change his mind again and implement yet another car (or bike, or plane, or maybe a jetski) with the public still waiting for 1.03, if anyone still bothers to wait for it at that point.
If he had at least chosen to get a proper, normal tintop car into the sim, even if it would've been a fictional one... but nooo, of all cars there are it has to be another single seater and to top it off it's a practically unraceable F1 car. I mean, the real F1 barely manages to be interesting with top skilled racedrivers behind it, oh surely this will work out greatly in a sim. We have 50000+ S2 licensed racers and out of these we'd maybe get one or if we're lucky two full grids with racers that are as consistent and competitive as real F1 drivers - if you fill two F1 grids with nKP drivers, you've used up half their active community (an optimistic guess). Bah, why do I even bother...
Seriously, WTF?