Quote from feat :Oh well, enough talking, made something serious at last. Be gentle. thats beautiful man... gratz
i suck at editing PD: Lynce enseñame a editar ... mi msn cha_martinex_92desil@hotmail y al final .com pero no lo pongo Attached images
Quote from chanoman315 :i suck at editing PD: Lynce enseñame a editar ... mi msn cha_martinex_92desil@hotmail y al final .com pero no lo pongo The wheels must be blured too > use radial blur
In order that not happen it again, put the camera inside, press Shift+U and move the camera to your liking and the mirrors will be fine. Nice edit anyway.
car has no mirrors yet. no joke, i didnt knew that :X but i will do that in the future thanks for the tip
Quote from Madman_CZ :Nice edit, reminds me of the Half Life 2 engine bloom Yes, we're working on a special setup with Tau canon Nice pic Marius, as usual
A little edited pic from me (only colours fixed) http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/9588/2kolaav3.jpg