(67 posts, started )
One of the best FPS's i've play'd recently imo.

Yahtzee is a legend! Seen every one of his reviews even before he worked for the Escapist and he never talks shit like half the 6 page reviews I read in mags or online.
Quote from ajp71 :Point is though, I can't with a current high end card (8800GT), marketed due to its ability to play this game. I'm not expecting to be able to run it on full settings, games move on and if it will look best with a hypothetical graphics card then that might be a good thing in a few years time but on what's a far above the average card the general public will try and run this game on it doesn't look very good whilst still having performance hits, for me HL2, COD4, UT3, RBR and even LFS give far more satisfying results because they give a better compromise of quality and performance, not to mention RBR is still stunning

whatever kind of computer you run crysis on today it will run and look on par with other modern games so i dont see your point
theyre trying to sell an engine here and selling one that will give the best visuals for a few years to come is a properly clever decision
I'll wait for the PS3 version as I don't think my 'games' PC is up to it.
Quote from Shotglass :whatever kind of computer you run crysis on today it will run and look on par with other modern games so i dont see your point
theyre trying to sell an engine here and selling one that will give the best visuals for a few years to come is a properly clever decision

On the same hardware (and not obsolete) Crysis looks worse than COD4/HL2 IMO despite giving significantly worse frame rates. If the new Cry engine can't deliver a better speed to quality balance than the opposition then I struggle to see the argument that Crysis (the game) atm at least has better real world graphics than its rivals, it's just an ordinary looking game that you have to play in lower resolution with less AA and still accept the fact that the more open bits cause framerate drops.

For the future the engine may be good but the AI is appalling and however good the character movements may be the fact the lip syncing in cut scenes is still horrible and it would have been nice to move on from having cut scenes as well. On top of that the graphics don't look much better than FarCry maxed out when you have to play without AA and at a lower resolution, I'm tempted to try turning off all the fancy features and going back to 1600x1200 and full AA but I bet it would still get worse frame rates than FarCry for the same image quality and virtually the same game
the thing that makes crysis look a lot better than its competitors are the shadows
it looks a lot more real that way and quite a bite more true to life than hl2 or any other game for that matter

and about that comaprison to far cry
i think youve fallen into the common trap of remembering games to be better looking than they actually were
just to remind you what far cry actually looked like ... 9904DJ7a6BZMfd_4_12_l.jpg
#31 - wien
Quote from ajp71 :On the same hardware (and not obsolete) Crysis looks worse than COD4/HL2 IMO despite giving significantly worse frame rates.

I respectfully disagree. Especially if you're going to compare it to HL2 (Ep2 I assume/hope?) which is really can't hold a candle to Crysis technically. It's not just down to how realistic the shadows look and how realistic the lighting is (though they too are top notch in Crysis), it's the amount of crap that engine is able to put on your screen at once while still being dynamic enough to allow you to tear almost anything apart into it's component pieces. When I first got to that huge battle before the harbour I was literally awestruck at how open and busy it was. I've never seen anything like that in any other game.
I've tried Crysis again and had a look at my settings I'd got objects set on very high, because the auto-test reckoned I should use very high settings, when I saw a slideshow before I'd even jumped out the plane I realised I needed to turn them down so set the setting at high, but objects can't be changed in game. Tried it at 1600x1200 on medium, looks far better with the extra resolution and thankfully half the 'features' that slowed it down and pissed me off have gone such as that silly motion blur whenever you look at anything. Framerates now seem better, although I've not done anything intensive since chanigng but AA is still a no go.

@Shotglass - FarCry was simpler but it can look far better than that, bump the resolution up add AA and the later optimised shaders and it looks far better although admitidly probably not quite as good as I remembered
#33 - wien
Quote from ajp71 :Tried it at 1600x1200 on medium, looks far better with the extra resolution and thankfully half the 'features' that slowed it down and pissed me off have gone such as that silly motion blur whenever you look at anything.

That I'll give you. First thing I did was set post processing to medium to get rid of that awful blur. It's all done in screen space based on camera movement so it's nowhere near "physically accurate" the way they have implemented it. A box flying across the screen won't be correctly blurred for example. Just a stupid flashy effect in my opinion.
Quote from ajp71 :@Shotglass - FarCry was simpler but it can look far better than that, bump the resolution up add AA and the later optimised shaders and it looks far better although admitidly probably not quite as good as I remembered

unless i accidentlly took the wrong screenshot its the improved sm3.0 rendering path with hdr enabled
taken from an article about the patch
Quote from GFresh :Hmm, i have an 8800gt and i run Crysis at very CLOSE to full settings, and get a very acceptable (for this game) ~40fps

Crysis gfx look ok for public because if they wanted they could of brought gfx setting that will bring the best of pc to there knees, don't believe in any benchmark for crysis because there hardware is overclocked to far for normal gaming plus they fps what they get on benchmarks will drop like a stone in water when in a battle.

Quote from TiJay :I'll wait for the PS3 version as I don't think my 'games' PC is up to it.

Lol thats the best sentance i've heard for a long time, crysis might not even might it for consoles because the game can just run normal on the average pc let alone a console.

Think your ps3/xbox 360 will look that in the picture.
Attached images
looks good i want it!
If you get the latest patch 1.1 you have the option of turning motion blur off without having to go to medium settings. There are also other graphics optimisations.

Ajp I don't know what CPU you are running the game on, but I really don't get that bad framerates on high settings with medium shaders on an 'old' overclocked 8800GTS.

I don't think saying CoD4 looks better than Crysis is a fair or correct comment at all. Having played all the way through both I can safely say the Crysis engine is far better, but graphically and for immersion. The CoD engine looks like a updated version of all the other Call of Dutys, but then maybe they've just made it look like that to make it familiar to players of the series.

As I say, grab the latest patch at least. And we're now seeing some community created maps that really show off what the engine is capable of, granted that isn't default game content, but it goes far beyonf what CoD or the Source engine could achieve.
I've got an E6750, which I doubt is likely to be the limiting factor in a multi-core graphics intensive game. I am still running it in DX10 (presumably, I can't find an option?) maybe on old drivers (updated in November) and haven't patched Crysis yet so I'll try updating and patching to see if that makes a difference. The framerates aren't unplayable on but just enough to annoy me. It does look far better in 1600x1200 on medium than 1280x960 on high if I can't use AA on either though.
I got the game
I canot use DX10 since I don`t got vista (got to be the stupiest choise ever, I will not buy Vista, and I will allways hate microsoft for doing silly shit to sell more, I mean wth do they even need money?), anyway, DX9 and everything on high. Goes smooth all the times.

The only times it doesn`t goes smooth is when I try the physics maps :P The map with like 1000 boxes. If I shoot at it it...well it just shows 1 FPS for like 1 hour, til everything is down, and then it`s smoth again Too much for the CPU i guess lol..
Quote from The Very End :The only times it doesn`t goes smooth is when I try the physics maps :P The map with like 1000 boxes. If I shoot at it it...well it just shows 1 FPS for like 1 hour, til everything is down, and then it`s smoth again Too much for the CPU i guess lol..

Fancy giving me a link to that map plz.
Quote from The Very End :I got the game
I canot use DX10 since I don`t got vista (got to be the stupiest choise ever, I will not buy Vista, and I will allways hate microsoft for doing silly shit to sell more, I mean wth do they even need money?), anyway, DX9 and everything on high. Goes smooth all the times.

The only times it doesn`t goes smooth is when I try the physics maps :P The map with like 1000 boxes. If I shoot at it it...well it just shows 1 FPS for like 1 hour, til everything is down, and then it`s smoth again Too much for the CPU i guess lol..

You can try Very High settings on XP too, look at post #26.
I did, nothing specially with that or? :S
#44 - Jakg
OK so I finally installed Crysis and did a couple of levels. Hahahahaha!

OK so it looks very pretty, I'll give them that. But apart from that it's Far Cry. The AI doesn't seem to have changed at all. They may have become more stupid, or it may just be that the environment is more difficult for them now. Actually no: Several times I've had AI not even notice me when I'm standing right infront of them. Often they'll continue to shoot and yell taunts at a position where they last "saw" me, even though I'm still in plain sight, just in a different position.

And the crappy scripted storyline sequence triggers still don't work sometimes - just like Far Cry. I've got half-way into the second level and the game has just stopped - no objectives, no idea what I'm supposed to do next. This is with the patch - god knows how bad the original release version was.

The physics are pretty kooky too. At one stage I picked up an empty cardboard box inside a building, and knocked several interior walls down with it while trying to take it outside. I also watched an AI try to man a machine gun, who tripped over something I couldn't see behind the wall of sandbags which not only killed him, but catapulted him out of the fortification and deposited his body in a crumpled heap infront of me.

I can only assume they spent nearly all of their time making it look pretty, because as a game it doesn't actually work. It's very funny to play it just to find out how broken it is, but I don't think that's the sort of entertainment they were aiming for.
#46 - wien
Quote from thisnameistaken :OK so I finally installed Crysis and did a couple of levels. Hahahahaha!

Yeah, it is rather quirky. I've had my share of physics WTFs too. The best one was the "Recovery" level where the trailer thingy on top of the hill overlooking the village went mad, went airborne and flew all the way down to the village, taking out several buildings and the people in them. Saved me the trouble of course, but I can't help but think that wasn't supposed to happen. Probably was the aliens... Yeah, that's it.

I still had fun though. can't help it.
And another thing: Why can't a soldier who I'm shooting at from 25 metres away figure out where I am, but another presumably identical soldier in a boat half a mile out to sea who I once shot at half an hour ago when I was on the other side of the island can spot me whenever I go anywhere near any beach. In fact not only spot me, but hit me with his gun, from his little boat bobbing around on the horizon?

And why do the AI randomly toss grenades at me when I'm in a wide open bit of jungle where I can easily run away from the blast, but when I'm holed up in a building and there's only one entrance they're happy to just keep wandering into the doorway to join their buddies in the big ol' pile of corpses, and never think to throw me some explosives?

And why are all buildings in 2020 made out of one of two materials; either concrete or playing cards?

I might have to load it up again later and see what other stupid stuff it does.
#48 - wien
Quote from thisnameistaken :And another thing: Why can't a soldier who I'm shooting at from 25 metres away figure out where I am, but another presumably identical soldier in a boat half a mile out to sea who I once shot at half an hour ago when I was on the other side of the island can spot me whenever I go anywhere near any beach.

Whether or not you're using the silencer has a lot to do with it. If you use the silencer they usually don't get where the shot is coming from, but if you have it off they hear where you are (with pinpoint accuracy, miles away). Not sure if that was what happened to you though. That they don't lose you from sight after spotting you across the island sounds strange.
#49 - Jakg
Played it, didn't think it looked that nice tbh (all on V. High in DX10). Seemed to take 15 shots to kill anyone so i gave up.
#50 - wien
Quote from Jakg :Played it, didn't think it looked that nice tbh (all on V. High in DX10). Seemed to take 15 shots to kill anyone so i gave up.

Headshot FTW. Only way to kill the bastards (also just like Far Cry).

(67 posts, started )