The online racing simulator
Searching for a Tile
(7 posts, started )
Searching for a Tile
Hey folks

Okay, technically not a skin request but I know a lot of you skinners use photos so I figured this was the place to ask.

I'm looking for an image that I can use as a background tile.
Something like the part behind the writing here or the grille part here would be ideal.

Definitely has to be black or dark grey though. Shiny would be better. My Google-Fu is failing me on this one though, I couldn't find it myself.

If you have anything that matches please give a yell.
honeycomb or hexagon mesh?
might be what you're looking for.
Either would work. I was thinking round originally but I'll take what I can get
Or make your own

10 secs in Paint Shop Pro
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That doesn't look much like a photo to me
Rather than be offended I had a go with it, but the results weren't exactly great.
Using that awesome circle/square combo (no really, the effort was staggering ) I got this. But it's not exactly photo-realistic
Attached images
uhhh it looks fine. a bigger inner circle will yield a finer mesh, if that's what you wanted.

Searching for a Tile
(7 posts, started )