The online racing simulator
cruise server, what to do?
(39 posts, started )
Why should i connect to a cruise server to relax instead of laying down my bed and enjoying my completely free nice time before my gf's next call.???

wow im not going to even touch that:

let boys by boys
OP could have used search... >>>>

But I guess his idea of fun is making new threads.. strange world we live in. Each to his own I say.
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :The cruise servers are meant to be a way to relax and chat with your mates, but I found that they are too competitive and there are too many rules for it to be relaxing. If I need to relax I join a drift server, nothing like a bit of sideways action in the XRT to make you feel good about the world.

i agree wif you its a great way to relax but those ppl in the cruise server is taking it WAY too serious which totally ruin the meaning of it
Quote from NSX_FReeDoM :i agree wif you its a great way to relax but those ppl in the cruise server is taking it WAY too serious which totally ruin the meaning of it

How do you know what the meaning of it is?
Quote from HellBoy99 :Yeh it's called live for SPEED for a reason. Not live to drive like a granny.

It's not my taste but each to their own.

Aslong as you stay the hell away from race servers i'll be happy

Yeah, there's a saying and it goes like: MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Not "when you don't participate in cruise servers then have them all shut down in order to humor you"
Quote from Gunn :Some people seem to think so. But some people think Coldplay is a good band too, so, go figure.

This is not a "put down the non-racers" thread. You would think a moderator would get that :rolleyes:
Quote from jayhawk :I tried it out a few days ago. Being that I am nearly twice the age of virtually everyone that was present, I grew pretty bored quickly. I tried the coin quest thing, gave up on that, so I drove and drove and drove until I was able to afford the XRG.

To me, there was no sense of purpose, it's ready made for 12-18 year old's who have a lot to talk about but no substance behind the words. Before some of that age jumps on me for that, wait ten years and then reflect back to when you were sixteen. Anyone over the age of thirty will know what I mean.

For example, until I got annoyed and pressed " - " to block messages, I watched one idiot type to another:

Hey guess what?
Hey guess what?
Hey guess what?
Hey guess what?
Hey guess what?
Hey guess what?
Hey guess what?
Hey guess what?

That went on for, no kidding, 32 minutes.

And of course the obligatory accusations of homosexuality, (why ARE teenager's so obsessed with that?) the "kekekekekeke's"*, the "STFU's" The "OMG i drive leik teh idiot somone fl!p me ovr plz...stfu n00b, kekekekekeke".

If you are reading and think cruise servers are all that and a bag of chips, great. Before I judged, I came, I saw, and I am forever scarred.

*likewise, if they are Latin it would be "JAJAJAJAJAJAJA"

Remember, when they made the "Wrecker barricade"... they made it to prevent idiots from joining. I'm sure the cruise servers could do the same if they could muster the power...

PS. I don't participate in cruise servers or drifting, but this mass-phobia is not only sickening but getting already ridiculous.
quad-post eh?
Quote from Mauni :Because of multi-quote feature?

tx, I will try it next time... didn't notice...
My impression of cruise is a track day, where you go to learn how to drive the car and learn the basics of cornering, as you get used to the car you can increase your speed, race and overtake others practasing overtakes.. in the process you can make money and advance to faster more powerful cars which are alot trickier to handle.
How about some racers come to play LFS for 1 or 2 years and got bored of racing. Their alternetive is to drift or to go onto cruise server. Cruise server is a good way of losing stress and having just fun

cruise server, what to do?
(39 posts, started )