The online racing simulator
Help Please
(6 posts, started )
Help Please
I recently purchased a G25 wheel and when I play LFS I cannot get the brake and clutch on different axes. I only have the Demo Version of the game but I am looking into buying the full version. Whenever I click to setup my controller it says WHEEL BUTTONS and underneath it, it has avccelerator brake and clutch but when I go to set my accelerator it would not set. Can someone help me out PLEASE!!
Firstly, go to your G25 Logitech profiler. Select options, then global device settings. make sure that the option "report combined pedals" is UNCHECKED.

Now start up LFS. go to options, then controls. There is an option that says "Throttle/Brake Axes" select seperate.

Then click on Axes/FF. See if they work independently now. If not, use this setup I posted:

*EDIT* Make sure you click on whatever you want to assign it. For example, click on the button that says "clutch". Now press in the clutch. Do you see the slider bar in the far right bottom corner move up and down? When the clutch is fully engaged, is the bar at it's peak?
Attached images
I remember playing LFS demo for a long time with keyboard and finally I got enough of that and decided to buy a G25. I didn't do any research about wether it will work properly with LFS or not. I was just sure, because LFS is such an openminded, user-friendly and intuitive piece of software, that I had no doubts.
And guess what, it works

So if any of you have any issues with your G25+LFS combo, be sure that it works properly.

Not really helplful this post, I know, but it's 3 in the morning and I cannot go to sleep, so I needed to clear my mind, sorry.
THANKS for everything the info got my g25 working THANKS
i buy a new comp and i cant unlock lfs s2.on lfs says i cant log in in this week ,
(lamparija) DELETED by lamparija
That sounds like you've used up all your unlocks, not sure because I've never run out. (Get one new one a week iirc.) If this is the first time you've unlocked in a while though there might be some other problem.

Help Please
(6 posts, started )