The online racing simulator
Looking for a website designer
(8 posts, started )
Looking for a website designer
Team KA currently has a website that face it, has seen better days i would love someone to take it from the mess that i have left it in and turn it into something that functions and looks great.

if you choose to accept your design specs are

Black Background
Needs to look like it's a racing team website
i would love to have a server monitor script put in it, i have tried and failed.
also a sign up form would be nice.

our current website is
I am almost thinking about this, but I am really busy right now. If I have time I might take a look at it, but don't count on it...sorry

One thing about your design specs... I have always found that black backgrounds are hard to make look good (my own personal opinion)...

The only colors you can use for the text are bright colors that don't get blended in with the black. I find these colors (bright red / yellow) make the page looked clutered and old.

I am sure there are alot of cool designs for a black background, but I just think it might be easier to design a site using a different color.
well i wanted black because it look like a road surface that all but hey im not the one that it putting my time into it so who ever wants to do it can find a colour scheme that works for them.
this was one of the ideas i was looking at
but it doesn't have to be as good as that, just better than what it currently looks like
#4 - aoun
Id be interested champ! Smile. Im a graphic designer with some good experience, and i have a partner in websites that is very good at php. We could look into this and maybe give you the website you want.

Though, these things dont come free. Smile. Let me know. PM me.
You accept MS Paint suggestions?
ouch, i hope my current design isn't that bad ;(
If you're willing to part with money (competitive rates, I assure you Wink), take a look at my portfolio and drop me an email and we can talk Smile And yes, I can even make black designs work... I have many years experience with various web technologies including PHP.
thanks to all who offered by i got a pm from a guy who said he would do it for free, and for a free design he did really well i just need to fix the links up and embedd the server script myself

check it out

Looking for a website designer
(8 posts, started )