I knew already too

Sorry guys for not telling you, but I was sworn to secrecy...
It's gonna make the day go from Perfect to heavenly. But I'm not going to be in the inital crowd to talk to them.
To Scawen and Victor. I've only ever seen one or two photos of you both, and you both had long(ish) hair. May I sugeest you cut your hair, or employ a cunning disguise (perhaps just wearing a helmet ALL the time), so that you avoid attention.
/me makes LFS poster to have signed by them both.
I hope Eric makes it. A menage e tois (spelling?) of devs would be brilliant!!!!!!!!!
/me feints through overexcitment.
I'm trying to work out what people will sound like. For example, Fordie sounds like you'd expect from the way he looks (or the way I expected anyway), but Will's voice is much deeper than I thought it would be. When he phoned me for the first time, I didn't know who it was, even after he told me it was Ayrton Senna (that just confused me more!).
And I wonder how many people there, so used to text based communication with everyone, will be able to interact properly in person. I have a hunch that a fair few people will mill around the edges, too shy to come and chat. No offence to those people by the way - I was the same until I took up amateur dramatics (but thats another story!)
Back to work - they've got me trapped doing paper work today instead of workshoppy things cos too many people are on holiday in the office. I HATE PAPERWORK :'(