No, I say what I mean; it's my car, paid for by me, registered in my name. Being unlicenced to drive it on the roads doesn't mean I can't own a car, despite what everyone says when I refer to 'my' car :rolleyes:
The age point in general is quite difficult to judge - as we've never seen what a large number of new 19-year-old drivers behave like compared to a large number of new 17-year-old drivers, we can't really say how much of an impact such a change would have. Personally, I do think that the majority of people who take their driving test in the UK do so mostly out of practical reasons, for independence, whatever - not people who have a great interest in cars, or who have been paying a great deal of attention to them in the time before getting their licence. Not wishing to stereotype an entire nation, but we just don't know how much of a change there'd be in two years.
Something to do with the legal age to buy alcohol being 18, not 17? I used that as a passing comment, that new drivers at the age of 18 or over would be more easily able to buy - and drink before driving - alcohol. Not a great consideration, but I mentioned it nonetheless.
I agree entirely - but who says a newly licenced driver is going to have a modern, safety-oriented car? It seems far more likely, again due to costs, that new drivers will be in cheaper, older cars - with less safety equipment. Indeed, cars less safe to be hit by too, but that's besides the point.
A new Vauxhall Corsa 1.0 weighs 1,025kg, which really isn't far off. Older cars way respectively less, too, and as above, those are more likely to be driven by new drivers. Actually, the weight distribution is more of a concern as far as safety goes - I'm thinking front-wheel-drive, lightweight cars with nothing over the back end experiencing lift-off oversteer in the wet, that sort of thing that new drivers tend not to know much about or how to deal with.
I thought you meant modifications that affected performance, as in, modifications that actually matter as far as safety is concerned.
Always a silver lining, eh

I just want to make it plain that I want this to be an intelligent discussion, not a flame-war or an argument. Better that way

That comment about assuming it wasn't my car didn't chuff me up much, nor did referring to it as a silly repmobile - a mid-Nineties dark-coloured 4WD two-litre saloon sounds pretty unassuming to me, but, hell, make of it whatever you will

And having driven a Ka, yes, I agree that it is made out of very compressed tin foil...