wow, very nice
35 hour render!?!
okey, it looks nice, i agree with you! but 35 hours for a 1024*768 render? it's too much! what machine do you have? and what settings do you use for it? i think you use too much subdivisions on the textures!
35 hours? But it looks NO better than a 30 minute render? It doesn't have that many details, it isn't very large (my preview renders are that size) and isn't exactly complex...
Yeah I rendered this during 35 hours with a laptop dual core 1.6Ghz.
Good result appeared at 20 hours but the TFT screen still showed shadow and reflexion noise. I don't like TFT.. vive les CRTs

It could be rendered faster with the bi-directional option activated but I'm still experiencing this render engine. The skin texture was 1024x768, something not big.. Oh supersampling was x2 so actually it rendered a 2048*1536 image "rescaled" to 1024x768.

I admit this render is not visually impressive but the more indirect lightning present, longer the render takes. An outdoor scene would be more adequate.

Don't forget that Indigo uses metropolis light transport, it's an unbiased renderer so it calculates everything, there's almost no setting for this. It's very accurate so it's very long.
Hi Bogey,

I think for the scene you had here, there isn't much indirect lighting needed, because you already have strong light source from above and there isn't many objects (or any at all) for lights to bounce back to the car, if the car is in a large studio room then the chances for the light to bounce back is very minial. You could have lower your G.I. setting and probably still get the same result. (sorry I am not a blender user, but I think you are enable to do so)

I used to use 'light tracer' in 3ds max before, the result is very good and accurate, but it took many hours to render an image, I think that is simular to Indigo in this case. However, I have no patient in waiting, I am using Mental Ray (using Photons) more often now for still images.
First, thanks for showing us how its done. Could someone tell me how to take off the LFS S2 on the side window? I know how to choose it i just don't know how to hide it. Can i get rid of front plate? Also some times the shadow is way below the car??? Last one, can we get left drivers side cars? Thanks

Ever thought of experimenting? To take off the front plate, just right click it and press delete. To delete the LFS S2 sticker, just right click it and press delete. And to render it from the other side, you must move the active camera around to that side using the manipulative tools. I suggest you learn a bit about Blender than coming on here and not knowing the basics.

As for the shadow being a bit below the car, you could have possibly moved the ground downwards.
Why thank you oh very much Mr Niall09 for your response to my questions. It must be so unbearably hard to be as smart as your self and have to pass on your knowledge to us neophytes. Luckily your sharp wit and acid reply sure put me in my place.

ps It was not how to change the angle of view, but if it was possible to download a left sided steering wheel car.

Quote from Elderado :Why thank you oh very much Mr Niall09 for your response to my questions. It must be so unbearably hard to be as smart as your self and have to pass on your knowledge to us neophytes. Luckily your sharp wit and acid reply sure put me in my place.

ps It was not how to change the angle of view, but if it was possible to download a left sided steering wheel car.


Sorry for the cold blood, dude
srry but i dont understand to get my skin on the car
Right click the car body firstly. Then you must press F6. Now if you look at th right-most buttons, there should be a load button. Click that and select your skin.
Quote from niall09 :Right click the car body firstly. Then you must press F6. Now if you look at th right-most buttons, there should be a load button. Click that and select your skin.


thank you very much
is there a possibility to turn the car around to get a render from an other corner of the car?
Quote from schwantz34 :is there a possibility to turn the car around to get a render from an other corner of the car?

Move the camera, see first post.
Quote from schwantz34 :is there a possibility to turn the car around to get a render from an other corner of the car?

zoom out of the car. Then you will see several camera`s, Klik 1 with right mouse klik it will turn pink. Now press F9 for camera options. Also you can use the triangle and ball icon to move around with camera. Remember the right side where car is showed is the view you will see. Just fiddle around a bit with these things and you get the hang off it.
Quote from niels1 :zoom out of the car. Then you will see several camera`s, Klik 1 with right mouse klik it will turn pink. Now press F9 for camera options. Also you can use the triangle and ball icon to move around with camera. Remember the right side where car is showed is the view you will see. Just fiddle around a bit with these things and you get the hang off it.


ty verymuch
I didnt get how i change please!
Nice, great tut!
Right i downloaded blender it works, i can open it etc with just a circle stood there or a cube im not sure.

Am i the only idiot that can't figure out how to put a car in it?

Just a thought, in the tutorial the pictures are really small, are you suppost to make them bigger yourself. If not maybe make them full size?
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :

Just a thought, in the tutorial the pictures are really small, are you suppost to make them bigger yourself. If not maybe make them full size?

How about, clicking on them?
right click the Pyramid angled at the car. then press control-0 on numberpad. I think (its works on my mac.)
Alright first off i just sat here for two hours messing with this, all my damn camera angle wants to do is pivot left to right and move up and down and what not I cant get a front view side view or anything, I wanna edit my car to make it look lower but i cant edit it right because my damn camera views dont work at all im really starting to get pissed. ugh i need a cigarette.
havnt got a clue how to get a car into blender, nor do i understand how to get the car and skin inyo blender, can u help me plz?
(niall09) DELETED by niall09

Ready-To-Render kit (free)
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