Glad it's going well Becky, well as well it can go anyways
I hope you don't think I have been ignoring you. I am still concerned and want to know whats going on, just wanted to give you some space after the split up between you and Sam.
Get an old mountain bike.
Drive it like you stole it.
Have the front fork break while you are trying to jump over a sewer lid.
Because you are pulling on the handlebars and there is nothing stopping the broken stem of the fork from sliding out of its bearings, except the brake and gear cables, it turns nicely around and perforates your neck.
The nice part was the brief experience of weightlesness as I flew over the handle bars. The landing wasn't, as I used my face to soften the impact.
Sorry there are no pics but I didn't have a camera with me at the time and I was too busy bleeding all over the place.
It was about 15 years ago so the scars have healed pretty well but I can take a picture if you want. That is if you want to see my unshaved throat because the scars make shaving a bitch.
Still got the bike
PS. This throat cutting tendency runs in the family. My uncle tried it with a chainsaw. He failed too.
If I could use this quote in my signature, I would. It's just a brilliant description! Not that I find your pain entertaining.. But hell you described it excellentally.
Hey i'm a sad lonely old git (or should that be pervert ?). And i don't get much action since the wife left. erm......hang on....that's not right.......since the wife left but i'm not aversed to seeing a bit of *cough* "girl on girl action" *cough*
A vid would be even better
lets just hope the drugs arn't messing with yer brain so much that you can't see i'm only teasing ya. honestly, no pics, you just concentrate on getting better.
that White text is really hard to read on my phone because I can't select text but seeing as you went from biggot to tease (just teasing) I'm going to send you piccies of me and my girlfriend as soon as I'm out of hospital.
well some personal stuff kept me up last night but actually the night nurse is a bit of a turkey bastet special, that is, not the product of love. He comes around on his rounds humming at night to wake us up and has a go at the girl next to me who he particularly hates ( she is quite hateable ) and last night took 2 hourss to respond to her button call and because the nature of it he had to get a female nurse and that took 3 hours. I find him very rude.