The online racing simulator
I keep losing connection
(18 posts, started )
I keep losing connection
No matter what server I join after 3-4 laps I lose connection to it. It has nothing to do with my internet connection because that it working fine. Can anyone help me.
though you are not giving much information I have same issue here is my problem.

My lag outs are quite strange, I can see everything going on and everyone can see me, I don't have the average lag I can read chat they can read mine, I don't lag or warp and my connection is solid. Then every once in awhile I can see my lag bar rasing and rasing till bam time out.

It doesn't matter if im directly connected or not, I can download things at 400kbs (my connection is 5mbs.) Other games I don't have this issue and my ports are open. I am using vista and never had this issue on xp yet have tried every fix possible. I am currently running off a fresh system as I just reformatted. here are my specs so its not my pc.

Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 quad CPU @2.4GHZ, 2gigs of ram, vista 32 bit.

I have tried several things so far such as disabling remote differntial tuning (or whatever its called.) Disabled my autotuning, made autotuning high (which seemed to work for a day. or so I thought.) my pc is only running one firewall windows which exceptions to live for speed, Virus and spyware clean, have used different ISP's and problem is only with this pc I don't know what to tell you any help is appreciated although I most likly have tried what ever you have suggested. It has been an issue for 6 months and I have ben googling for that long so PLEASE help.

I have the same problem and it seems to be totally random. Some days it's fine, other not.
I should have added, it is worst when server is busier however I still don't understand why its happening, it doesn't seem to be lack of bandwidth or anything like that.
Oddly enough, I used to get that on full race servers (CTRA Race 1) but not full cruise servers (CLC cruise). Yet both are based in UK, and I'm in seems to have fixed itself anyway...I timed out yesterday for the first time in 2 months, but I had downloads running...
I managed to get on a server for ONE whole lap
When you can't do more than a lap on a server, you most likely have a SERIOUS problem...

Are you using a router? If so, are the LFS ports/port forwarded correctly? If not, that's sometimes the cause of dodgy connections...

What are your ping times for English servers, and foreign servers? If there is a massive difference, the problem could be packet loss...or something

And is it any specific server you lose connection on? If it is, then it's probably a problem at their end...

Report back on these, and maybe your problem will become clear...
The one thing you can do is

Quote from dougie-lampkin :When you can't do more than a lap on a server, you most likely have a SERIOUS problem...

Are you using a router? If so, are the LFS ports/port forwarded correctly? If not, that's sometimes the cause of dodgy connections...

What are your ping times for English servers, and foreign servers? If there is a massive difference, the problem could be packet loss...or something

And is it any specific server you lose connection on? If it is, then it's probably a problem at their end...

Report back on these, and maybe your problem will become clear...

I also can rarly get one lap in when servers are busy so ill answer you questions as well.

No I try directly connected and still have issues (although I do use a router as well with little to no change.) Ports are open through my only firewall wall (windows) and when I am using the router ports are fowarded as well.

I have tested for packet loss and there is none as for ping times its usally on par with the average person. By pinging I mean just checking the ping times in games and I know mine are better then some worst then others. When I ping websites such as, it usally is 100-200ms based on what the website is.

No all servers. Believe me I have worked with internet issues before but this one stumps me.

Actually for my issue I did find out something I have a Nivida network adaptor and when I use the nivida control panel under network settings it tends to crash. I think there is a good chance its related. I will do some further investigation on this issue but just so people know my drivers are up to date.

If anyone finds anything else regarding this issue please feel free to post .
lol I have no idea so, those were what used to affect my connection. I then sorted all of them out, and shortly afterwards, the connection was fine again...although there was like a week between me sorting the problems and a good connection lol
Maybe I am making this to complicated, maybe its just Satan that is possesing my pc? Maybe I should call the ghostbuster or a priest or something for an exorsism?
[OT] lol I heard the other day that the Vatican has a "Chief Excorcist", and that he's asked for more priests to go through excorcist training...lmao [/OT]
Hmm, I'm having this problem now...

It started last night (I haven't done anything to my setup in months), where I couldn't join a server for more than a minute without losing connection. It fixed itself after about an hour. But today it's doing it again, and it's SO annoying...

The weird thing is, before I lose connection, I don't lag, but my lag bar rises. I can see everyone else chatting and driving, but I don't receive Insim messages...

My internet speed couldn't be any better, I'm right now getting 2.5MB download (on a 2MB connection) and 170KB upload (which is about normal for me)...and my ping times are in the 60s for pretty much all servers...
i'm getting the same problem my connection is fine the suddenly everything lag then i DC. only started happening recently and haven't changed any seting to my knowledge. tried new drivers still problem
Same here. I can be fine in a server, see everything that is happening, and my lag bar will go up and I will DC... A solution would be much appreciated.
yeah, fine for a few minutes, then the lag bar rise and every other car says LAG for about 10s then DC :weeping:

did some ping tests which reported 0 packet loss
This post on our forum relates to a few tweaks you can make to your IP stack that are supposed to help with online gaming.

Usual disclaimers.
i typed ipconfig /flushdns at the command prompt now all is fine

I keep losing connection
(18 posts, started )