Hello guys!!
If've got a new ATI HD3850 and 7.12 catalyst driver.
After uninstall older ATI X1300 and it's catalyst driver, i saw a erratic graphics in LFS.
I attach photos with this images.

Can anybody help me? I must abandond last race in Spain League about this.
If I can help, under rFactor, no corrupted images appears.
Look also, dots in yellow circle in a desktop application. What is this? A memory fault?

Best regards from Spain.
If've got a new ATI HD3850 and 7.12 catalyst driver.
After uninstall older ATI X1300 and it's catalyst driver, i saw a erratic graphics in LFS.
I attach photos with this images.

Can anybody help me? I must abandond last race in Spain League about this.
If I can help, under rFactor, no corrupted images appears.
Look also, dots in yellow circle in a desktop application. What is this? A memory fault?

Best regards from Spain.