Helo all.Today when i start my LFS and go play in the Norvegian Drift server.I go to Pits and what i see ... My XRT was blue without any logos I push the buton new colours and click on my skin (XRT_Move) and what!?!?,nothingI try to use another of my skins but nothingThen i change my car and again nothing No working skins on all of the cars What to do.Is this a bug?
Btw: on single playing don't work ?!?!?
You need to look in LFS\Data\Settings and rename everything with the cars' three character code (e.g. XFG, UF1, BF1 etc) - this applies to all your setups and colours.
Then copy the settings (*.set) to data\setups, and the colours (*.col) to data\colours
There are renaming programs out there - search for rename - Ian.H made a good one iirc.
OMG dude I just watched the video. You have the colour of your car set to blue, that means it over rides the skins, you need to set the colours to white so you can see the skin.
...at least I hope thats the problem, it might be more serious if it isn't. And he was asking about skins and not setups, the skins are there but they are not showing up when he selects them, I didn't have to rename my skins with patch y, just sets.
In windoze explorer.. right-click on the folder and select 'Properties' from the context menu. You can remove the read-only flag there, which might help
Yep today i download new copy and ,now the skins are here
Thanks to all for the help
Btw:only 1 things that make me cry: i drive with keyboard and i lost my easy to drive/drift keyboard settings
Do anybody have any keyboard sett.?
Shift up: W
Shift Down: S
Reset car: R
Look left: Q
Look Right: E
Turn left: Left Arrow
Turn right: Right Arrow
Gas: Up arrow
Brake: Down Arrow
Very easy to use!
Arrows to turn left/right and to give throttle and brake
Shift up - A
Shift down - Z
Clutch - X
look left - Q
look right - E
look behind - W
handbrake - space
reset car - G
horn - M
flash lights - mouse left click