The online racing simulator
Austria Sign Up
This is where all Austrian's can sign up to be apart of the Austrian world series team.

Sign Up Form

LFSWorld Username:
I would like to run for the position of nation's manager: yes/no
Skills: driver, nation's manager, skinner, supporter, other
may pick more than 1
#3 - bbman
Meh, signing up officially...

LFSWorld Username: bbman
I would like to run for the position of nation's manager: nope
Skills: driver, fan
Hi Arrow,

I will be the designated team manager for Austria. So, I guess, our voting will be rather simple, by me being the only candidate.
To explain: We already decided between all interested parties, that we will only announce one candidate. And it was decided in a phone conference, that the one will be me.

LFSWorld Username: TheBlackLion
I would like to run for the position of nation's manager: yes
Skills: driver, nation's manager, skinner, supporter, other - yep, all of it.
(Sharp tongues might say otherwise regarding the skill driver . And about the nation's manager, we will know precisely after the World Series is over, but I'm confident.)
Btw. the full list of signed-up team membrs, so far:
  • bbman (driver)
  • Brilwing (driver)
  • isehwurscht (driver)
  • MasaHara (driver)
  • TheBlackLion (team manager, driver, skinner)
  • Mensafest (backup driver)
  • chrizu (backup driver)
  • huHu_ (driver)
  • jatino (driver)
  • LupusC (backup driver)
  • Stefani24 (driver)
  • Struppi (moral support and sponsor)
  • Mik3e (backup driver)
  • The Killer (backup driver)
  • climbs (backup driver)
  • Paracelsus (backup driver)
  • schrauberherz (driver)
  • ScheeFee (driver)
  • Zakspeed1 (driver)