The online racing simulator
do i have rights?
(36 posts, started )
#1 - lerts
do i have rights?
my live is so strange that im begining to ponder whether im in a comic or something

dont you think somebody could mimic somebody who hates make him famous in fiction and then torture him, this would be bad

its said that primitive paintings in caves were to make future happen this way they would paint the future that would be them with a prey

in fact poe wrote about a ship wreckage were the survivors cheat a boy to eat him, years later it happened exactly as told in reality

so if fantasy has that powers maybe there should be rules on what can be made or not
Quote from lerts :my live is so strange that im begining to ponder whether im in a comic or something

That's a good Max Payne style start

Quote from lerts :dont you think somebody could mimic somebody who hates make him famous in fiction and then torture him, this would be bad

eeeehm....aa.......eeeehm...hmmmmm....a classic example of Lerts-speak I guess...

Quote from lerts :
its said that primitive paintings in caves were to make future happen this way they would paint the future that would be them with a prey

I have no idea how comic books and....ehm...torture ties with cavemen future

Quote from lerts :in fact poe wrote about a ship wreckage were the survivors cheat a boy to eat him, years later it happened exactly as told in reality

Because somebody smart on the ship has read the book....

Quote from lerts :so if fantasy has that powers maybe there should be rules on what can be made or not

Moderators set rules here ask them about it
come on guy, either you really need psychatrists help or you need people making fun of you
Excuse me while I quickly sketch myself surrounded by busty sluts.
Why dont you draw a painting on your wall. In the picture, you get s2
#7 - Bean0
Quote from Bean0 :Who's who ?

Well obviously you've GOT to be the omnipotent God like character that give life to this bunch of reprobates.

Obvious C&P, and its a long read, but might give us some ideas of who's who.
  • Danny - The leader, with the soul of a pirate. Wears a skull and crossbones sweater which his grandma knitted for him, and a floppy red school cap which indicates his rebellious nature. He is quite crafty, with a unique intelligence. He was appointed leader very early on in the strip after he gave each kid a wine gum. He is one of the central characters in The Beano Interactive DVD alongside Dennis, Gnasher, Minnie the Minx and Roger the Dodger.
  • 'Erbert - A shortsighted boy who struggles to see, even with his spectacles. The rest of the class (excluding Cuthbert) have great fun swopping his thick-rimmed spectacles for others in the class and watching the resultant mayhem.
  • Fatty - A fat boy who can never stop eating. Being called Fatty does not bother him - in fact, he likes it.
  • Plug - A hideously ugly pupil who uses his face to his best defence. He's so ugly that when he pulls a face he becomes handsome. He has an impish sense of humour. His name derives from the term plug-ugly. He later appeared in his own comic, called simply Plug (1977-1979), which starred him and his two pets, Pug, from Pup Parade, and Chunkee the Monkey. (This strip was later incorporated into the Beezer comic.) His name used to be Pug: the L, according to The Beano, was added when Smiffy had a spare one after spelling the word "sily". Plug's "real name" was first revealed as "Percival Proudfoot Plugsey" on the cover of Plug, though earlier issues of The Beano give him the name Claude. Plug briefly inherited Smiffy's naive comic attribute in comic libraries such as 'The Time Machine' and 'Darkest Africa'.
  • Sidney - Toots' twin brother and the keeper of a dozen animals. He wishes to become a vet when he grows older because he knows more about animals than anything. Sidney has spiky hair resembling a chimney sweep's brush in which he takes pride. Recently, Sidney's bad luck and basic stupidity has come to light and he has never had a Singled Out strip in which he is the central character where he has not come out worse.
  • Smiffy - The naive, somewhat dumb pupil who often confuses genders and nouns (for example, when Teacher calls the register and he is supposed to say 'Present, sir', he says 'Gift, miss' instead). He can sometimes be very kind and aware of things on an emotional level, similar to an idiot savant, but most of the time he can't even remember what colour the sky is. He has two brothers, Whiffy and Normal Norman. His mother occasionally appears, once as a replacement member of staff when Teacher was absent. Smiffy has even been seen to send his father to school instead of himself.
  • Spotty - A short character who is often compared to a Christmas pudding. He is proud and protective of the multitudinous black spots that cover his face; any attempts to remove them are chased off. He is quite handy when he wants to be, with his attire (his extraordinarily long tie) often helping the kids out in tough situations. In the 1981 Beano Book, it was revealed that Spotty has 976 spots. In later comics that were not from the original artist, Spotty tended to be seen as the more sarcastic and joke-cracking one of the group.
  • Toots - Sidney's twin sister, the only girl in the class and the youngest. A classy tomboy who can be as bossy as Danny when she wants to be, but has more of a heart than any of her friends. She is very tough and the boys have no problem letting her join in their games. Loves music and can often be seen with a "boogie box" (a CD-player) towing behind her.
  • Wilfrid - A thoughtful and introspective boy, with thoughts hidden behind the depth of his green jumper that goes all the way up to his nose. He often resembles a tortoise and has a mystery concerning his neck, which is never seen: whenever he takes off his jumper all we see is a vest as high up as his jumper.
  • Cuthbert Cringeworthy - The brightest child in the class, and a teachers' pet who tends to be bossy, rude, and spoiled; and ostracised by the others. He has a name for every letter of the alphabet. First appearing in 1971, he looks very much like Teacher (a play on the DC Thomson comics' tradition that pets look like their owners — e.g. Dennis the Menace and Gnasher — and his status as teachers' pet). Danny's first comment on Cuthbert was 'He reminds me of someone I don't particularly like'.
So, if you've managed to read all that, lets have yer suggestions...

(just a shame this wasn't the Dandy, think we've got a shoe-in for Lord Snooty and Desperate Dan )

The Dandy's gone downhill

Beano FTW!

Toots = choice really!

Cuthbert = Harjun

Smiffy = Lerts

Plug = Bladey (those who have seen me IRL will understand

Danny = Kev
I would've had me down as plug. I propose fights over who gets to be plug until we all look like plug.
I could be 'Erbert, considering i can't focus on anything any more or less han 2 feet away.
Quote from The Moose :You have the right to remain silent...

Unless the Americans catch you. Then you have no rights at all.
Quote from JohnUK89 :Unless the Americans catch you. Then you have no rights at all.

Not all Americans. Maybe only those from the USA.

Quote from thisnameistaken :Excuse me while I quickly sketch myself surrounded by busty sluts.

may i draw silly moutaches on the girls before it becomes reality?
Interesting! Maybe only I am real and everyone else is just a figment of my imagination. Or I am everybody and when I go to sleep I act out other parts of this reality. Or maybe we are all figments of somebody elses imagination and we will all dissapear when he thinks of something else. Or maybe that white powder I put in my bread is not flour.
Really? haha, It's a classic I love bringing it up, I don't even remember the first time I heard it, I know my dad showed it to me but it was a loooong time ago, remember it all to this day it's hilarious.

One way to annoy the crap out of someone too

lol I even had to watch it over again when you said that it's so good.

As for this thread.. if only I understood what lerts.. is talking about lol
Quote from garph :Cuthbert Cringeworthy - The brightest child in the class.

Cuthbert Cringeworthy - The brightest child in the class, and a teachers' pet who tends to be bossy, rude, and spoiled; and ostracised by the others.

Quote from lerts :my live is so strange that im begining to ponder whether im in a comic or something

dont you think somebody could mimic somebody who hates make him famous in fiction and then torture him, this would be bad

its said that primitive paintings in caves were to make future happen this way they would paint the future that would be them with a prey

in fact poe wrote about a ship wreckage were the survivors cheat a boy to eat him, years later it happened exactly as told in reality

so if fantasy has that powers maybe there should be rules on what can be made or not

Hmm interesting, we should discuss this more.
when having rights in comic book would never make torture people bad. paintings in caves paint the future and the moment, years later its still hard to exactly see the survivors book, a comic or not.

ship wreckage is painted and not painted, comic books can not or make rules.
so what do you think?
Quote :so if fantasy has that powers maybe there should be rules on what can be made or not

If fantasy had any power at all (other than the power to warp perfectly decent minds), the Bible and every other holy book would be true, fundamentalists would rule the world in some kind of religious dictatorship and I'd be in a lot of trouble.

If there were rules about what fantasies people could write, we never would have had heard of you, Lerts.
/me gives the locksmiths a call


do i have rights?
(36 posts, started )