The online racing simulator
Quote from Gai-Luron :I HATE XML format there are much more tag than data


It's ok. Maybe it's a too big change now anyway. But I think there are some tools or libraries around to handle XML easily.

So you won't have to deal with much of the file handling and reading stuff ...
Major Problem
I have been modifying LFS Lapper for awhile for the BT1 server, and well.. this has got me stuck. I've scoured the .cfg files for this, and it is nowhere! Help please? Thanks.
Attached images
Could you post your .cfg up on here? remove admin pass etc etc. Ill have a look at it
Will the "Defgroup" pseudo-user work in a file for Qualification Users?

For example, if my QualUsers.txt looks like
Quote :

I tried it, but when I use {Groupqual} in messages, I always get a "-" instead of a pool number.

PS: I searched this thread for "Defgroup" but didn't find anything useful.

New version for LFSLapper : 5.50

@HorsePower : This Release fixe the Bug

Quote :+---------------------------+
|Changes from v5.43 to 5.50 |

1. Fix Bug in Qualusers when you use a txt file. Defgroup:2:30:2 now work

2. New powerfull command

/http url ( look at !powered in config file )

- with this command you can query to a web the list of command to be execute when action containing /http
is triggered.

- The web page can't contain HTML code but only LFSLapper command separate by | ( Like config file ).

is a web page that return the number of Lapper up!
The web page print only :
/pm ^7Actually, there are ^335^7 LFSLapper powered servers

- you can call your web page with Lapper's arguments ( like nickname, username depending on action trigered using php
sending parameter ). Then your page return a set of command.

- it is a powerfull command for guy knowing php programming.

- This command run asynchronously with Lapper and may be take a while depending response of your web site
i put a 5s timeout for slow web server, tell me if it's to short.

- An http command don't block LFSLapper, it continue to run normally. When response is availlable, LFSLapper
execute the web response.


Wow, that is fast work! Respect and many thanks!

I also have a feature request concerning the QualUsers (maybe it's just a question, if it's already somehow possible).

Suppose we have a server set up to gather qualifying times for registered user (in QualUsers.txt).

Now, the server allows 3 cars, but each driver has commited himself to drive only one specific car (or maybe two cars). Thus, I only want to use the times for the "registered" cars for this user to display the qualifying information.

Maybe a workaround would be to set authorizations for those users and to allow them only to drive their selected cars.

What are your thought's about that, G-L?

EDIT: I could also forget about the whole quali mode in LFS Lapper and use the new http feature. Nice work!
Another Problem I have and I don't understand.

1) I set up a dedicated server (on my home PC)
2) I start LFS Lapper, everything runs fine.
3) I start LFS and join my brand new, exclusive and private server.
4) I get a welcome message (so LFS Lapper obviously still is running)
5) Now I push "T" and type "!help" and LFS Lapper crashes. I see the chat message "!help" and the console for LFS Lapper sais:

Quote :
The following error occurred:
Index was outside the bounds of the array.
at LFSLapper.LFSClient.Loop(Connect insimConnection)
at LFSLapper.LFSClient..ctor(String scriptfilename, debug Pdebug, Boolean debugmode)
at LFSLapper.LFSLapper.Main(String[] Args)
Void Loop(InSim.Connect)

Save Debug Infos


Work fine here!

What is your version of LFSLapper and do you change your config file.

It works with the original config file ...

... so I guess I have to figure it out by myself.
Fixed. I copied my settings to a new LFSLapper.cfg ...

Maybe the program didn't like any (hidden?) characters? Whatever ...

I have some problem Today with lysergic's wiki server ( very, very slow access ). I decide to install my own Wiki. I start Manual in French, if somebody have time to spent to create wiki LFSLapper in english. My english is so Bad .

LFSLapper's wiki here :

Bye Gai-luron
Hi Gai, I'm sorry about wiki slow server... never mind

I was thinking about Authorization Options ( license ) and Handicaps users.

Is possible to define Authorized drivers like "QualUsers = @DefGroup" function? Because I want team members would be always authorized to race on team server.

Is possible to define non Handicaps users in the same mode?

Is possible to deny the use of shift-p? Or deny re-join qualification session (like midrace join function)?

How does the ftp function works? Is it scheduled?

LFSLapper is great! I'm so sorry I'm not able to contribute... I don't know C++ neither PHP a little better with asp, but PB txt file format is hard to handle
Hi! You LFSLapper is wonderful! I can suggest a small modification that can help all the people like who are hosting on their own PC: in addition to the send PB.txt via ftp, it may be very usefull to send the hostxxxx.txt the same way, or to add a function that we can use to know if our server is online or not...
Quote from goldwing :Hi! You LFSLapper is wonderful! I can suggest a small modification that can help all the people like who are hosting on their own PC: in addition to the send PB.txt via ftp, it may be very usefull to send the hostxxxx.txt the same way, or to add a function that we can use to know if our server is online or not...

Use /http command in Timer to send to your page web the fact LFSLapper is Online every 5 ( or other ) minute and store it on your site. After you can examine date of the last call to your web page to know if your LFS is online or no in web application.

You can also use Pubstat from LFS to do this.


- Yes the FTP function is scheduled. FTP occur when new PB is done or every 2mn to save lap done by players.
- For shift-P, i don't know, i look for it if it's possible
- For non handicap user, add user in HandicapUser with no handicap ( 0:0 )
- For authorized user, it work now

@lysergic. : i take a look for your request

New version for LFSLapper : 5.51

Quote :+---------------------------+
|Changes from v5.50 to 5.51 |

1. Minor change in how work Handicap. Now 3 levels for handicap
You can specify 3 level for handicap : for car, for car and track, for user
Priority Level low to hight : HandicapCars, HandicapCarsTracks, HandicapUser.
Prior the handicap are added, not now

Priority to HandicapUser if exist, next HandicapCarsTracks if exist finally HandicapCars

New var HandicapCarsTracks
Syntax :
HandicapCarsTracks = car/track:mass:irest,car/track:mass:irest,...,car/track:mass:irest;

2. Now in AuthAllowPlayer you can specify also player allowed to access to track.

3. Modification in Web register. Now it send LFSLapper's version.

4. Registered page web modified with new infos.
look at


Quick suggestion G-L..but for your webpage ( add a filter or three? ie...filter out demo servers/ filter by track/etc
hi all
i need help
this is my cfg (edited myself)
i start bin/LFSLapper.exe and i see this

LFSLapper Version= on GNU license
2005-2008 Janez Cufer and Robert BRACCAGNI ( Gai-Luron )
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions. Read LICENSE for details.

The following error occurred:
Corrupted line #414 ('') in file LFSLapper.cfg (can not find '=' symbol)
at LFSLapper.Configurator.Load(String filepath)
at LFSLapper.LFSClient..ctor(String scriptfilename, debug Pdebug, Boolean deb
at LFSLapper.LFSLapper.Main(String[] Args)
Boolean Load(System.String)

Save Debug Infos

but i dont see symbol problems at line 414.

(version 5.51)
Attached files
LFSLapperCFG.rar - 7.5 KB - 234 views
Quote from Max Torque :hi all
i need help
this is my cfg (edited myself)
i start bin/LFSLapper.exe and i see this

LFSLapper Version= on GNU license
2005-2008 Janez Cufer and Robert BRACCAGNI ( Gai-Luron )
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions. Read LICENSE for details.

The following error occurred:
Corrupted line #414 ('') in file LFSLapper.cfg (can not find '=' symbol)
at LFSLapper.Configurator.Load(String filepath)
at LFSLapper.LFSClient..ctor(String scriptfilename, debug Pdebug, Boolean deb
at LFSLapper.LFSLapper.Main(String[] Args)
Boolean Load(System.String)

Save Debug Infos

but i dont see symbol problems at line 414.

There is a problem in line 414. You blocked all lines from 411 to 413 but you forgot to block line 414 as well. Just wipe ";" completely or correct it to "#;"
ty for answer but anyway my cfg's between 410-425 line original settings.please open my cfg and i fix it ?

in 414 there is ; alone. It's not the original config, Yisc[NL] make a very good answer.

Quote :#ScheduledAction = 0 * * * * * : 30 * * * * *|/msg Kicking time (every 30 seconds)!:/kick unnamed;
#ScheduledAction = 0 0 0 * * * |/rcm Midnight warning to all working men!:/rcm_all|
# 0 0 0 1 1 * |/rcm Happy New Year!:/rcm_all

in 583,729,773 same thing

ty now 583 line where ?

edit:ty i solve this problem again ty
pff now this error.starting currectly and show welcome message.but if type !help lapper is bom.

Loading WR...Not Loaded
Mode Sync = False
Connection OK
Product: DEMO Version:0.5Y InSim Version:4
Warning:Error loading ./PB.txt or file does not exist yet!
Warning:Error loading ./DriftPB.txt or file does not exist yet!
Web Commands Thread Started...
LFSLapper is running...
The following error occurred:
Index was outside the bounds of the array.
at LFSLapper.LFSClient.Loop(Connect insimConnection)
at LFSLapper.LFSClient..ctor(String scriptfilename, debug Pdebug, Boolean deb
at LFSLapper.LFSLapper.Main(String[] Args)
Void Loop(InSim.Connect)

Save Debug Infos
Attached files
LapperCFG.rar - 7.5 KB - 207 views
Next time try to start with a clean cfg file and add one modification at time. I can't debug all cfg for all people.

line 396
!kick@Gai-Luron|/kick {*}|

Remove this bar |

At the end of command | is not required

hmm ty and sorry
is lapper have support Turkish characters ( ş , ü , ö , ı ) ?
if use "^T" in server name show character at dedicated server.example:
Quote from Gai-Luron :Next time try to start with a clean cfg file and add one modification at time. I can't debug all cfg for all people.

I want to be a debugger if you want?
It's a great application so for me it's no problem to help you out with things.
This thread is closed

LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )