Quote from Jakg :why o why would ye want to do that? wait ONE day and you can grab a replay!

Great Idea

But what should we do during the 24h-races? We need those Tools to help our driving mates and to keep in the race. It´s not nice to drive a team-longrun and just sit there and get no race-feeling.
Even the LFS-Spectator is great. This 1 got the better base, so we hope it will get better, so we can change to this 1.
Good couple of little programs there.
Does this software still work with the newest patch?

As of last check I didn't think any servers were running the relay...

Any thoughts insight would be appreciated, going to try and get this working tonight if its still possible.
Yeah, no server list here. I'd love to use this with the IGTC race on Saturday.
AFAIK no servers have used the "relay" since patch X onwards. I don't know if this is because they cannot, or just have not.

Forgive me as I have no idea really about any of this, just hoping to find some spectating software to use for this Saturday.


any more dev happening on this?
i'm very interested too.
I'm not developing for LFS any more, sorry. I cant be talked around, to much history.
Quote from hughesie89 ::Bump:

any more dev happening on this?

I think that although Beckys work on this was top notch, the app isn't REALLY needed any more in any case, as an alternative has been built in to LFS World and fully integrated with the system.
If you haven't already, check out http://www.lfsworld.net/remote/
Remote is not 3D...with more textures the ideia is great.

I ask Victor about a remote 3D and no response.

links dead
I can't seem to download, both links dead.
Becky said she isn't dev'ing for live for speed any more if i had any technical knowledge i would try and pick up the project but i don't.

and please don't beg Becky to help last i heard she had a lot of work to do in other areas and just didn't have time, the lfs community should respect that.
Quote from Bladerunner :I think that although Beckys work on this was top notch, the app isn't REALLY needed any more in any case, as an alternative has been built in to LFS World and fully integrated with the system.
If you haven't already, check out http://www.lfsworld.net/remote/

Amazin Stuff!!!
Aromed vaporizers
Quote from LFSn00b :Sorry for bump but can someone re-upload live for skidmarks?

yes please i would like too also
(imthebestracerthereis) DELETED by imthebestracerthereis
I'll upload in a sec
File is too large
No luck with the file share?
Thanks mate. LiveForSkidmarks is great side fun for LFS maniacs. Just the heli camera drives me crazy - can't it be changed?
If the source code was released I would have a fiddle to change cams
Does anybody have either of these programs still please? I'm working on a project at the moment and the PC I developed this on is dead and I could really use some of the files to save me time.

If anyone could upload it, that'd be a great help.


if anyone could provide an ftp or whatever to upload to id be happy to do so