The online racing simulator
What is the best planet
(77 posts, started )

Poll : what is the best planet? (i know that pluto is not a planet, but still)

#51 - JTbo
Define best first?

Best in size, that is possible (once you decide which is best, big or small, or maybe something in between?).

Best in gravity, that too is possible (once you decide which is best, high or low, or maybe something in between?)

But you just can't say which is best as there is no such thing as simply best, there always is different point of view where such 'best' won't apply, thus I see poll is pointless and I refuse to vote.

I like some mysterious and blue though
Quote from JTbo :Define best first?

Best in size, that is possible (once you decide which is best, big or small, or maybe something in between?).

Best in gravity, that too is possible (once you decide which is best, high or low, or maybe something in between?)

But you just can't say which is best as there is no such thing as simply best, there always is different point of view where such 'best' won't apply, thus I see poll is pointless and I refuse to vote.

I like some mysterious and blue though

Are you slowly turning German ?
#53 - JTbo
Quote from Mazz4200 : Are you slowly turning German ?

I believe it can't be anything such pleasant, but something much, much more horrifying
Quote from JTbo :I believe it can't be anything such pleasant, but something much, much more horrifying

:jawdrop: OMFG, not.... not Swedish is it, :eek:

:spidereek Been nice knowing ya dude, but thats toooo much, i'm off, bye..........:dogrun:
#55 - JTbo
Quote from Mazz4200 ::jawdrop: OMFG, not.... not Swedish is it, :eek:

:spidereek Been nice knowing ya dude, but thats toooo much, i'm off, bye..........:dogrun:

Who said I would change country in first place? And if I would it would not be in europe anyway
Pluto was my kinda place, dark and cold. But now i have to like venus, because it rhymes with penis.
#57 - JJ72
There's breakfast to be had on Pluto.
i found the correct way to say uranus: "Careful pronunciation may be necessary to avoid embarrassment; say "YOOR a nus" , not "your anus" or "urine us".
Actually, when going by the latin pronounciation, you also drop the "y" in front: "oorahnus"
Pluto IS a planet.
I could have sworn this was a lerts thread.
Hi, I'm Harry Carey!
and my favorit Planet is the SUN!

Did you know you can burn out your retnas if you stare into a solar eclips?

I once took a pair of binoculars and stared into the sun for half and hour!
I'm surprised Mars is doing so well. I expected Uranus to do well, but not Mars.
Clearly Jupiter. It could totally beat the crap out of every other planet.
#68 - Nobo
if you call pluto a planet you would need to call other "objects" in the kuiper belt as well planets, as there are other objects which fit the definition of a planet better (orbit, bigger mass and more circular then pluto) then pluto but were discovered to late to be kept as a "planet" for decades like pluto was.
it used to be a planet and i have to do a project on one of the planets and pluto is included.
I sense Pluto fanbois!

I'm not a planet, I'm a DOG!!!!!
uranus , the birth place of the most ever invention ever... aston gp

For the myhtical "God of War" tone added to it. And the planet looks like it had a good war too millions of years ago.

Imagination counts here

What is the best planet
(77 posts, started )