The online racing simulator
LFS on my number plate?
(8 posts, started )
LFS on my number plate?
Hi All.

Would it be OK, if i placed a logo of LFS on my number plate, and underneth my reg put

Just wondering if thats OK, or does some kind of copyright not permit me to,

for personal usage, u can do whatever u wanna do with the logo.
u have the psd in this forum (check my sig if u need it)
We talking your actual RL car or in-game number plate?
Quote from whitey6272 :We talking your actual RL car or in-game number plate?

Real life obviously
Quote from marsden1002 :Hi All.

Would it be OK, if i placed a logo of LFS on my number plate, and underneth my reg put

Just wondering if thats OK, or does some kind of copyright not permit me to,


I think the url would be better. It give more info about the game, just incase anyone decides to check it out
#6 - Bean0
Quote from marsden1002 :Hi All.

Would it be OK, if i placed a logo of LFS on my number plate, and underneth my reg put

Just wondering if thats OK, or does some kind of copyright not permit me to,


Maybe not a copyright issue, but an illegal plate issue.
Pretty sure you're very restricted to what you can have on a plate nowadays, should help though

I may just put under my reg.

Thanks all
Quote from Bean0 :Maybe not a copyright issue, but an illegal plate issue.
Pretty sure you're very restricted to what you can have on a plate nowadays, should help though

The police wont pull you over for it unless they have another reason. e.g. speeding or dangerous driving in which case they could bring it up but the maximum penalty you'll get for it is a small fine but more than likely just told to remove it.

LFS on my number plate?
(8 posts, started )