My monitor's native refresh rate is 60 Hz. I'd like to achieve perfectly smooth motion in-game by setting the fps to exactly 60. I can't use v-sync because it causes slight input lag which is very irritating (disabling triple buffering would help that but it can't be disabled for DirectX within the current ATI drivers).
Doing this is not currently possible via conventional means, as the game has a minimum sleep of 1 millisecond. The fps limit is defined by a minimum duration between frame updates, which is an integer value (Min Frame Time). Being an integer it doesn't allow fractions and for that reason limits such as 58 and 62 are available but not 60.
Of course I could just let the game render at the 200fps speeds and forget about it, but it does not feel right that the hardware is rendering a lot of frames that are not displayed. It's kind of a waste, you know.
I'd like to know if anyone has pondered on this kind of thing and perhaps found some solution, maybe using some external software to limit the fps, and how that has worked out. Thanks!
My monitor's native refresh rate is 60 Hz. I'd like to achieve perfectly smooth motion in-game by setting the fps to exactly 60. I can't use v-sync because it causes slight input lag which is very irritating (disabling triple buffering would help that but it can't be disabled for DirectX within the current ATI drivers).
Doing this is not currently possible via conventional means, as the game has a minimum sleep of 1 millisecond. The fps limit is defined by a minimum duration between frame updates, which is an integer value (Min Frame Time). Being an integer it doesn't allow fractions and for that reason limits such as 58 and 62 are available but not 60.
Of course I could just let the game render at the 200fps speeds and forget about it, but it does not feel right that the hardware is rendering a lot of frames that are not displayed. It's kind of a waste, you know.
I'd like to know if anyone has pondered on this kind of thing and perhaps found some solution, maybe using some external software to limit the fps, and how that has worked out. Thanks!