Sun. Put your 'cruise' insim app on hold and start slowly reading the book. If you do as the book says and slowly but surely read it. You will learn a lot. When you learn a lot you will see what these errors mean and you will be able to fix them like they are nothing. I know this as i tried to do the same as you. I thought id start making things from nothing, it doesnt work. So i took a step back and started to read a book. with the knoledge i had i managaed to fix all the errors i was encountering and learnt a lot in the process.
Im not here to flame you. Nor is anyone else for that matter, we are just telling you to take a step back and put other stuff on hold. Dont rush ANY program or you will get no where. Please try to understand why im posting saying this. It will help you a great deal as im sure many programmers here would agree with me.
Select the error and press F1. It will TELL you what the error means but that will not help will it because you have no idea on the concepts the help will talk about.
BTW. The error could be related to MANY things because you have posted PART of a small expression out of context and without all the supporting code to even say what X is and if you even declared it.
LEARN about the language first. You appear to want to build a house but don't even understand how to build the scaffold support or foundations let alone understand what materials you should use.
Read a manual on the language you have chosen. Play with the language, not really creating anything, until you understand it. The go back to your insim client. It will make life easier.
What you are doing at the moment is building a house like this
- OK, what brick do I need now?
- Thanks. Now where do I put this?
- Thanks. Now what brick do I need?
- Thanks. Do I put this one near the last?
- How do I put in a window?
- What do you mean I have to build around where the frame will fit?
- Whats a frame?
- Do I put another brick here? Same sort as last time?
Now do you understand why you have got reaction you did?
I've made the XY positions program, and it has helped me to undertand the language better. This is only my 2nd Windows Form program, so I'm learning as I go...
Sorry to say this But OMG listen to me. Stop making the insim app and do what the book says. Start at chapter 1 and go on. not chapter 10 and down......
Why? There are no rules that say "Don't post shit in Sun's threads". If there are, kindly point me towards them, but other than that, I'm just posting how I usually do which I'm perfectly within rules to do so.
Fine can yuo help with the co-ordiantes then my error i need it sorted and i'am working my ****** bollocks off so please help me with my error i did what you said just stop spamming PLEASE JUST STOP WITH 'oh you need to lean' its bollocks i am so please stop and help if you know so please help me with my errore its:
Method name expected.
if you know what the error is please post it in here.