Web Help
(20 posts, started )

Poll : Which one

Web Help
i have decided to upgrade the look of our website for the third time.

and the hoster i use has an easy installer for the following systems

please vote on which one you think is the most user friendly and yet has the best features.
Who are you - what website? Why is this in General LFS Discussion?
Quote :Who are you - what website? Why is this in General LFS Discussion?

Beats me !!! I can't figure it out how hard I try.

Team KA Racing Server Admin, Our new team website and ah

Because i thought more people would see it here and vote on it, i didn't compel anyone to come here and vote or say anything i just thought passers by with a bit more knowledge in this area than i have would help me out.
Wrong forum. And Mambo & Joomla are the same thing (basically).
If the angry angel voted, I would go with that one considering I have no idea what this is about, also think it should probably go in the technical assist. section.
well im done

so thanks all for your help
Quote from xaotik :Who are you - what website? Why is this in General LFS Discussion?

lol you ! who are you - why post here to say nothing interesting ?

this topic is in lfs-general discussion beacause he have an lfs-team and he need an information. so when you post a reply please use your brain
thanks for standing up for me mate
no problem i love to place some guy where they need to be
Still... It is in the wrong place.

Forget justice!
Quote from lfs-drift staff :lol you ! who are you - why post here to say nothing interesting ?

this topic is in lfs-general discussion beacause he have an lfs-team and he need an information. so when you post a reply please use your brain

Then why not post it in the LFS Teams section? This topic is to do with his team issues, not issues of LFS in general.
#15 - SamH
It shouldn't be in General, for sure.. but it's not going to get seen by so many people in the Teams section and it doesn't really belong there anyway.. so I'm gonna go with Technical Assistance, I reckon.

It's a technical assistance request post, and by a bit of a stretch it's LFS-related, since IMO the community of LFSers is a really significant part of what LFS is, and a team website is very much a part of that.
Quote from mcintyrej :Then why not post it in the LFS Teams section? This topic is to do with his team issues, not issues of LFS in general.

cuz the most readed section is generals discus

its not about team its about a choice of php script
Quote from lfs-drift staff :cuz the most readed section is generals discus

By that logic, all other forum sections can be removed.
Quote from lfs-drift staff :cuz the most readed section is generals discus

its not about team its about a choice of php script

And it's not about LFS generally, instead it could be Off-topic. And like zeugnimod said, with your logic everyone can post everything to LFS general if it concerns even slightly LFS.

"What kind of soda you drink when playing LFS"
"Nice day outside, so I shall play LFS"
"Worlds funniest LFS video"

And so on and so on. We should delete every other sections.
Quote from Gekkibi :"What kind of soda you drink when playing LFS"
"Nice day outside, so I shall play LFS"
"Worlds funniest LFS video"

OMG, let's hope AroX doesn't read this.
#20 - wien
Quote from zeugnimod :OMG, let's hope AroX doesn't read this.

I'm quite certain he has posted each one of those a couple of times already...

Web Help
(20 posts, started )