Post your closest finish!
(100 posts, started )
Nice finishes!
#52 - Dru
Oh man +/-0.00.00
Exact tie.
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another tie on the drag strip!
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#57 - VoiD
Managed a 3rd place after a very close and intense race...
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ummmm.... I have one of the NooBiest questions in the LFs history i think.... Im little embaresed to ask this, but how do i take pictures ? ?
I have one very good finish i would like to post it, but i press the "print screen" button and after that i cant find my screenshot anyomore, i dont know where to look for it at all.

Thank you in advanced .

Please don't tell me that im dumb, stupid,... i already know it .
Forget it, i went in the LFS MANUAL, and i found it i think, is it CTRL + S ?? i think it is,,,
#59 - VoiD
It´s copied to clipboard. After "print Screen" open your gfx-proggie, create a new picture and paste...
Nice tight finish to a long race. Don't know how but I won (car on the right)... by 0:00.00 of course
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drift picture
hi, i've joined a couple of weeks ago and i was looking at the forums and found the drifting part.

sorry wrong page
this doesn't happen very often in the banger racing servers......
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LFS 2008-01-20 21-31-05-89.jpg
not verry close but funny with AI cars lol!!
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ouch : )
Quote from tikshow :sometimes did this! but sometimes a made a very big mistake! i did it one lap before the end of the race!

Click on the pics to see it full screen

Close??? Right?

I lost though

Look how much I lost by

already seen 3 cars with the same finish time
Quote from tikshow :sometimes did this! but sometimes a made a very big mistake! i did it one lap before the end of the race!

Funny, i do that sometimes. One time in demo, it was an XRT race. I decided to try and drift past the line in 1st place. I got into a slide, but too much of an angle. I piled straight into the wall, and as i turned around, i lose 4 positions

Also once shifted from 5th to Reverse in the FZ5 once while racing. Was very embarrasing
#72 - Resu
lol In Aston National, i was in third place place until the last chicane, and got the 2nd in the main str8, by 0,01s
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Well.. this one just hapened...

Time differance? No... exactly the same. I'm TunedRacing|Mo
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Post your closest finish!
(100 posts, started )