Hello LFSForum!,
I was bored and decided to attempt to put together a tiny teaserish thing i guess. Only about 50 seconds long. I know it sucks.. alot. I'm still learning camera angles and Sony Vegas, if anyone knows alot about Vegas message me ;].
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_FLHgC6mVo
P.S. I'd enjoy not hearing "It sucks" and "Don't click the link", instead can you maybe tell me what to improve on? I know its not worth watching.
After the O.O Smiley face, its blank |:
I was bored and decided to attempt to put together a tiny teaserish thing i guess. Only about 50 seconds long. I know it sucks.. alot. I'm still learning camera angles and Sony Vegas, if anyone knows alot about Vegas message me ;].
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_FLHgC6mVo
P.S. I'd enjoy not hearing "It sucks" and "Don't click the link", instead can you maybe tell me what to improve on? I know its not worth watching.

After the O.O Smiley face, its blank |: