The online racing simulator
#1 - _ak
Asking for driving suggestions
Hello, I've just did my 1.09.78 PB during online race at BL1 with FOX car and my TPB is 1.09.65 at the moment. I'd like to improve further. Could you guys review this replay (my 4th lap) and give me some tips how to get even faster.

I've got smashed into a wall at lap 1, and seems that confused mpredit so I couldn't make replay smaller.
Attached files
pb_1_09.mpr - 1.3 MB - 255 views
A reasonable time don't worry. I can't check the replay because I'm at work but most people don't realise the final turn is taken flat.

Other than that, you will find you can shed seconds if you listen to the engine note and try not to scrub speed in the turns. Use all the entry and exit space you can and concentrate on unwinding the lock as you apply the throttle nice and early when exiting corners.
A multiplayer replay is not a very good base to analyse your driving, because your inputs are only stored 4 times per second. (LFS "guesses" the car's movement in-between.)

For a closer analysis you can use a replay analyser. You need to drive a couple of laps in single-player or hotlap mode. When you have done a good lap, press "1" to view the replay. When the replay is in the lap that precedes the good one, press "Esc" and select
"Save output data". Continue viewing the replay until the lap has completed. LFS will save telemetry data in a .raf file, in folder lfs\data\raf. This file can be read by the analyser.

You can compare your own driving with the World Record by downloading its .spr replay from LFS World, and creating a .raf file from it in the same way. Load both .raf files in the analyser and see where you lose time. (Note: if you are several seconds slower than the WR, it may be better to compare your lap with someone who is just 1 second faster.)
#4 - _ak
I know about raf files and replay analyzers. the point is not to beat WR but to be consistently fast in race with R2 tyres and racing set. In race I've seen nothing faster than low 1.09 whereas vincper's WR is faster than 1.08.

Actually Gentlefoot pointed in right direction, I have bad habit to apply too much lock and scrub speed in turns.