The online racing simulator
How to deal with a certain threat?
(122 posts, started )
#26 - STF
lol dajmin, stalking.. ? seams like you know what you`re talking
murder him.. ok.. but "to death" ? he really needs to die ?
yea, sure, wet socks and visine could do the job, but.. j/k

seriously now.. the solution is simple, at least where i`m standing.
it involves severe diplomacy, followed by reality check, or even a tiny fist overdose(backup plan, really unnecessary - but if he attacks.. don`t stand like a fool).

first you should talk to him in private, have a little chat. tell him loud and clear the facts you know, about he threatening you on your back.
then try to mess with his head, the reality check part "this is who YOU are, this is who I am". make him understand you take his actions as harassment, and you`ll take appropriate actions if he pursues (even legal ones).
let him.. "sleep on it", and ask him to drop it right there and cut the threatening, or like someone said earlier "go do it, (but face the consequences)".
my guess is he`ll be intimidated by you being cool with it, maybe not right there, but he`ll think about it on his way home..
everything must happen between 4 eyes only(and ears). making him realize you`re not playing, tell him his options, "look i`d rather get along / drink a beer w/ you or ignore you, instead of suing/get you arrested/fight you(unless necessary)" (tho it might be easy just to knock him down.. ) (you get my point).
Quote from Dajmin :I have to point out that this doesn't make me think you've been hassled by a bully in the past. We've ALL been told "Oh, ignore them and eventually they'll get bored and move on" but it's simply not true.
Bullies don't have the intellect to realise you're intentionally ignoring them - it's not your reaction (or lack of it) that they're feeding off, it's the very act of doing it. And as long as they're doing it, they'll never get bored.

I spent years at school using the 'ignore' method, but it never helped. The only thing that ever did was actually beating heads. I lost a couple of fights, sure, but I won a load too. And every single person who started something stopped it right after that, win or lose.

As a matter of fact I have been bullied a lot at school, though I have never faced the ''Give me your money or I'll beat you to a pulp'' luckily. It was more in the lines of ''Haha! Look at you! I'm big and you're small and I can do whatever I want to you.''
Ignoring them maybe didn't always fend them off, but it certainly saved me lots of grief and hate...I didn't ignore them intentionally, I truly found it funny and sad, it clearly shows ones intellectual level.
Agreed, on a couple occasions I had to throw my fists in it, only because I received a blow though after laughing them off. I never engaged hostilities. I had a nice circle of friends and other ways of being intellectually occupied then by this circus. Every second waisted thinking about this is a second waisted of your life.

Quote from BigDave2967 :I have been mature about it, he got 2 huge kick in the balls when myself, and a friend on seperate occasions put him down because of his attitude, and he felt completely humiliated because they were both in public enclosures. We weren't going to do it during class, because we were studying for our exams. I did my kick in the balls with him during class while we were waiting for the tutor arrived.

Excuse me? Did I just read ''Kick in the balls?" Please tell me it's an english expression for something else...Or else you just confirmed my theory. If you already dirtied your hands like that then go ahead. You deserve each other, have fun!
Quote from Bladerunner :Sorry, but got to say it:


That'll do it because -

Nobody expects the spanish inquisition

To coin a well known phrase
Come on people, give this guy tips that I want to read, shorter posts!! Shorter posts!!

Give me a cardboard on a stick!! Shorter posts!! I get bored reading them
#30 - STF
Quote from BigDave2967 :he got 2 huge kick in the balls when myself[...]

ain`t the way to do it pal unless self defense.. especially with your palls, premeditated stuff. damn. well, then u have a history, i thought you were a good guy.
didn`t realize this was a juvie fight, or your fight. lol. do what you think it`s best, but think before you act
Quote from nihil :You are part of the problem here. He acts like an insecure teenager -> you all hate him and have demonstrated as much -> he responds with more anxiety induced aggression -> you react similarly...

Well I haven't really reacted similarly at all to his actions, I just been ignoring him since. Its come to the point that now I want to do something about it because hes targeted me. I'll give you guys an update later on tonight, because I'll be speaking to a few friends of mine who work with the police about it.

Quote from Paranoid Android :
Excuse me? Did I just read ''Kick in the balls?" Please tell me it's an english expression for something else...Or else you just confirmed my theory. If you already dirtied your hands like that then go ahead. You deserve each other, have fun!

English expression for something else . Basically he got "owned" verbally in front of the public, and swearing and insults weren't even in the part of the discussion .

Quote from STF :ain`t the way to do it pal unless self defense.. especially with your palls, premeditated stuff. damn. well, then u have a history, i thought you were a good guy.
didn`t realize this was a juvie fight, or your fight. lol. do what you think it`s best, but think before you act

You read me wrong mate, like I said to android, it was an English expression. I study Karate, and pretty much only use it if I had to defend myself, and so far, haven't had to use it yet, and I like to keep it that way.
If u have cop friends it's easy.
Let the girl print out her IM history and go to his house saturday afternoon with one of those cops(in uniform ofc!). Dont let him know it's a friend, just let the cop do the talking. Cop tells him U filed a complaint against him last week for stalking and threats of violence. Have said cop show him the printed IM-history and ask if it's his ..if he says no, cop notifies him that they allready checked with his ISP and that lying will only earn him a trip to the office for some explanations. Have cop give him a standard cop-lecture and a warning that if anything happens to u he will be expected at the office.
If the guy still lives with his parents it should cause some trouble if they open the door and i doubt he will be stupid enough to scratch your car after it.

things to watch..DONT let him find out it was dont tell the whole school, maybe just your friends who can be trusted. (he will go tell everyone what a wuss u are for going to the cops..dont be tempted to show u arent a wuss and tell the truth)
Dont look too smug while at his door, cop shouldnt be smiling either ..just all business and seriousness.
The guy will prob try and give his side of the story and say u kicked him in the balls and whatnot, but since the cop is on your side it wont matter.

Other solutions are;
-humiliate him so bad that he wants to cry (as in stuff his head in the toilet at a bar, pick him up with two guys and hang him off a bridge over a river,etc)..then tell him u will leave him alone if he leaves u guys alone.
-kick his ass badly (not advisable though)
-ask him to repeat his threaths in your face..if he does, give him a nice black eye. One hit and walk away..dont get angry or emotional, just make it clear that u aren't to be messed with.
For suprise effect ask it verry calmly with your both hands in your pockets..dont look threathning..they will usually feel smug and repeat their threats with a smile (especially with a few of their friends nearby) Once he does ,give him a quick whack to the jaw or eyesocket and pocket your hands again..if u do it right they wont have seen who hit them and ask "hu who did that??" and u get something extra to laugh over afterwards. (especially rewarding if u see them rub their cheek hours later or if said cheek is red for a day or two)
-anything else u can think of

It feels more like highschool antics to me..but if he's acting like that i guess a small dose of childishness on your side might solve it
#33 - STF
i understand..
keep us posted.
Cut off the head of his favourite pet and put it in his bed with him.
#35 - Jakg
Quote from thisnameistaken :Murder him to death.

Quote from thisnameistaken :Keep sneaking into his house and turning the heating down, or turning off the hot water supply while he's in the shower, or putting all his socks in a bowl of water so he has to leave the house with wet socks on. Then he'll continuously have a cold, and he'll get a chest infection, and he'll have to go to the doctor for a course of antibiotics.

Repeat this for a few years (maybe decades) and eventually the antibiotics won't work any more and he'll die of bronchitis. Nobody will ever suspect a thing!

You truly are 69% funnier than Spanky :P
Quote from BigDave2967 :My friend has evidence on her msn via message history, where he explains to her that he is going to damage my car

Send a copy of the printout to his home. Then he knows that (a) you know where he lives, (b) you have some evidence if he acts to his plans, and (c) your friend has passed the info to you, so she (a female!) probably thinks he is a loser. And if he lives with his parents, they might find out about the brawl, which may be an extra source of embarrassment.
Quote from wsinda :Send a copy of the printout to his home. Then he knows that (a) you know where he lives, (b) you have some evidence if he acts to his plans, and (c) your friend has passed the info to you, so she (a female!) probably thinks he is a loser. And if he lives with his parents, they might find out about the brawl, which may be an extra source of embarrassment.

Quote from Blas89 :+1!

+1... until this kid comes into school with a gun, shoots her for betraying him, goes on a rampage and then shoots himself.

Maybe it'd be best to just leave it alone, and if he DOES slash your tires, you'll know who it was, and have enough evidence to prove he did it.
* Do a printout of the IM's (keep them safe)
* Tell him to leave you alone (Once, sincerely)
* Ignore hime (except for above)
* Park your car somewhere safe or secret
* Consult your police friends

* Humiliate him infront of others (the only way he think can regain his pride is to hurt you or your stuff)
* Physically abuse him (lets him hurt you by proxy (law), thats your move)

If he acts you might want to show him who is boss, preferably using legal ways.
I think that he just has a big mouth. Let he do his BS, then counter attack by planting mines on the entrance of his house.
i just do a mega-spam

this works if he has gmail...

if you have his password...(i phish occasionally...)
setup a spare gmail account

login to both accounts, then use the forward function to loop it in both accounts, but just have your spare delete forwarded messages...

then he logs in...Mail()
Quote from Stang70Fastback :Maybe it'd be best to just leave it alone, and if he DOES slash your tires, you'll know who it was, and have enough evidence to prove he did it.

Well thats exactly what my Dad said. I spoke to my Police mate about it, he said not to worry about it, but he did say "does the college know?" So I'll speak to my tutor about it tomorrow morning. He did say not to worry about it, and I know that my car is parked in a public place where it is usually busy. And is very rarely raided at night. (once every decade?)

Quote from heson :Do:
* Do a printout of the IM's (keep them safe)
* Tell him to leave you alone (Once, sincerely)
* Ignore him (except for above)
* Park your car somewhere safe or secret
* Consult your police friends

* Humiliate him infront of others (the only way he think can regain his pride is to hurt you or your stuff)
* Physically abuse him (lets him hurt you by proxy (law), thats your move)

If he acts you might want to show him who is boss, preferably using legal ways.

The quotes in bold are the ones that I have already done, or intend to do .
#43 - CSU1
Hey BigDave, imo the second you let this idiot into your head was the second he won. Furthermore, people who genrally threatten with physical violence or abuse are the kind of people who grew up constantly fighting with others around them, and as callus as his verbal abuse is, it's only bs, all he's trying todo is make himself look the big man infront of the lady' old is this guy anyway, 12?

My advice, ignore him and every single other person who does'nt do the same, I think you'll agree thats a pretty quick way of sorting the apples.

Also, cunduring up plans of retalliation will just make you as bitter and mean a person as the end of the day you gotta feel sorry for these type of people that think verbal and physical abuse is the only means of expressing themselfs, ingore em' and leave em to it.

If ignoring the bastard fails, there's always the bluetooth bomb(pm for details(nothing todo with explosivs btw.))

Peace BigDave:hippy:
Has he got a sister? If not - do his mum instead.

I'd batter him mate, sounds like all he needs is a good hard whack and no one dares hit him. Don't forget the witty comment before!

he says something...

"SNEEZE, oh sorry i'm alergic to bullsh*t" *SMACK*"
#45 - 5haz
Lol, he hasnt even got the guts to threaten you to your face, plus he threatened to batter your friend but didnt show up, what you have on your hands is a coward, just find a way to show that your not scared of him and hell never come near you again!

Basically he feels threatened, so he feels he needs to keep other people around him scared of him so that they dont threaten him, as long as your worried about him, hell have power over you and the viscous circle continiues, but as soon as you assert your power over him, the circle breaks down and he is no longer a threat.

So just don't do anything too seirious, maybe at the worst throw a few punches at him or knock him down (not with the car!), and then tell him politely never to go near you or your friends again, and if he has the nerve to come back for more (very unlikely seeing he is a coward), do it again! Seeing as everyone hates him he doesnt have anyone to turn to for support.

Just don't let him get to you, hes a coward as he wont face you in a confrontation, he will only do stuff behind your back, such as causing criminal damage to your car, force him to face you and he will crumple like the pathetic wimp he is, these people are everywhere, at school ive had people telling me there going to break my neck, but all they did was walk away!
#46 - CSU1
Quote from mcintyrej :Has he got a sister? If not - do his mum instead.

I'd batter him mate, sounds like all he needs is a good hard whack and no one dares hit him. Don't forget the witty comment before!

he says something...

"SNEEZE, oh sorry i'm alergic to bullsh*t" *SMACK*"


why would you want to do his mom?
Whats with all the doing? Bet you'd probably do his sister, his mom, and him!

^^ he's a do'er aiight
Quote from mcintyrej :Has he got a sister? If not - do his mum instead.

I'd batter him mate, sounds like all he needs is a good hard whack and no one dares hit him. Don't forget the witty comment before!

he says something...

"SNEEZE, oh sorry i'm alergic to bullsh*t" *SMACK*"

u a pedophile?
Keep a good printed log of the IMs - not just on paper (especially if you are like me and lose stuff a lot) but on a CD or something.

And deffo use you police friends.

@ sidi What about one of these?
Quote from thisnameistaken :Keep sneaking into his house and turning the heating down, or turning off the hot water supply while he's in the shower, or putting all his socks in a bowl of water so he has to leave the house with wet socks on. Then he'll continuously have a cold, and he'll get a chest infection, and he'll have to go to the doctor for a course of antibiotics.

Repeat this for a few years (maybe decades) and eventually the antibiotics won't work any more and he'll die of bronchitis. Nobody will ever suspect a thing!

How to deal with a certain threat?
(122 posts, started )