It's beyond me as to why people would actually want to cheat within an online game - I mean, I can understand people wanting to get all weapons within GTA. Which I guess is the reason why they actually put that cheat within the game.
I cannot see the fun in being able to fly along the road at a massivly stupid speed in an online racing simulator. What really is the point? Surly doesn't that take the fun out of the game? Doesn't that take out the competition part of the game?
For instatnce, I used to be a pretty heavy gamer on a game called Tactical Operations - but it just became worse and worse with the level of the peoplee cheating. You would see people turnning around in an INSTANCE and just headsot every single player, within a milisecond. Thats why I left that style of game infact.
But, I mean, come off it - there can't serriously be any fun in watching the car just fly around the track at such speeds? No feeling "HAH! I JUST OVERTOOK YOUR ASS!!!! WAHOO!" Or anything like that?
Thats just my two cents worth!