Mechwarrior: Living Legends
(14 posts, started )
Mechwarrior: Living Legends
I need a new set of underwear, quiaff?
The last mechwarrior I played was Mechwarrior 2.
After that, I didn't like the direction it took.
It just seemed to me that it got less technical, it became more of an FPS with robots than a mech fighting game.
#4 - Jakg

I see Crysis in that vid :X

Mechwarrior 3 freaking owned (i was so cool i played it over LAN with my Dad (!)). 4 onwards sucked though.
Wow. I want.

Haha, remember the rendered intro to Mechwarrior 2? I rememeber thinking 'Wow, I wonder if games will ever look like that in realitime'

I think MW with the Crysis engine is even a bit better than that rendered video, as the video didn't have any post-processing effects.
I noticed that too, if it's a crysis mod, its going to kick majour butt.

Lately big budget game developers don't seem to be able to provide the kind of game play experiance that mods can. Playing COD4 and then Insurgency, which is a mod for source. Insurgency, despite all the bugs in the current beta, just seems so much better, so much fresher. It realy makes COD4 look like what it is, just another COD game with a different setting. dancing Mech ?

No way..but nice "Mod"...

The real MW is "Mechwarrior" exp. "Black Knight"..
well, it doesn't look like any mechwarrior game is coming out anytime soon from microsoft, so why not have some dedicated mechwarrior fans make a mod for crysis? most of the guys involved seem to be super mechwarrior/battletech geeks so the mod should be good.
Microsoft closed FASA Studio
Looks nice, I totally have forgotten mw world. Oh the good old days.. I remember beating MW2 24/7. Well.. 12/7 actually

Would be cool to play it with a proper controller and trackIR :hyper:
Quote from DragonCommando :The last mechwarrior I played was Mechwarrior 2.
After that, I didn't like the direction it took.
It just seemed to me that it got less technical, it became more of an FPS with robots than a mech fighting game.

yeah, in MW2 you had to operate the mech (literally, you could play piano blindfolded after a few battle hours in MW) after that it became simpler to control it, which removed all the hardcore feel from it
I played MechWarrior Vengence, that's a "4"? I loved that game, it's one of my all time favorites and i thought this is a new official version, but it's a mod.. Oh well, might be good
Quote from Bumpdrafter :Microsoft closed FASA Studio

actualy, there was news about some other company acquiring the rights to mechwarrior a few months ago.

Mechwarrior: Living Legends
(14 posts, started )