Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen!

It's with great pride that I announce the launch of Peregrinus.
Below I have a few Q&A's to quench your curiosity...
Hang on, you guys look familiar!?
You're damn right we're familiar, that's because only a month ago we were Ready 4 Racing (R4R), the LFS team formed from CRC members Winter 2005.
So who are your members?
As of today there's only 5 of us, small but sweet.

In order of joining:
Kringle (MR_B)
So why did you change?
Well, basically the R4R brand was dead in the water, with its name making it impossible to skin with and design logo's for.
Also it was a good time to shake things up a bit, with the closure of the old team we could get some skins together, redo the site,
say goodbye to some of our inactive members and shift our focus to a more driven mindset.
What's happening with the old R4R brand?
The domain will now point to until i'm ready to use the Ready4Racing name for other projects, the name, its domain and all logo's will remain the property of its owner.
What does Peregrinus mean?
It's latin for crusader, but obviously that is tacky so the Latin word was chosen.
Ok great, so where can I find you online?
Loads of places

OWRL (Open Wheel Racing League)
GFC (Gentlefoot Challenge)
IGTC (International Grand Touring Championship)
AR MRT Challenge
We're always on the look out for members, and as the team isn't very big yet, we unfortunately cannot afford to take on new sim drivers as we're usually short on time (so would you if you're running in as many leagues as us!).
So if you consider yourself to be a pretty competent and friendly chap then send your cursor over to and come say hello in the forum!
If not then come find us in a server, we'll be running through some team practice for the IGTC (these tests include running behind safety cars, and switching driver etc) @ 9:30pm GMT on the Peregrinus server.
But for now, that is all.
^P^ Kringle
(i know the background of the picture doesn't match the forum, that's because it's linked from