Going fast and not moving,
Racing hard whilst sat in comfort,
The virtual world has me engrossed,
I just dont like loosing,
Cant let my tyres get to hot,
My suspensions buggered,
He's just 2 seconds ahead,
Tyre flying, thats his lap nadgered!
Can I catch him?
Will me onwards,
Along side for the pass,
The gap between us is very thin,
Foot down hard on the gas,
Dammit he's on wireless!
The bless of LFS,
can impress,
with a team of less..
though i must confess
and express
that LFS
can depress
the progress
of LFS
becomes a success!
Driving on the track.
Thinking how would someone feel with a crack.
They will never know what it feel's like!
Racing S2 legally is as cool as a turtle shooting a spike!
damn this is useless don't know more to think of....
someone make a better one with this idea