The online racing simulator
Saitek X52?
(6 posts, started )
#1 - Docco
Saitek X52?
I haven't got the game yet nor have i played the demo, but i've started to do some skinning for it and the like and before i buy the game i have a question or two :o

I've read up a bit on the problems joypads etc can have if they don't have analog sticks and the like as it will burn your tyres down faster and stuff, but i'm sorted in this area as i have an XBOX 360 Controller for my PC.

What i'm wondering is if i'll be able to use my Saitek X52 to control the car in LFS and if it would be any harder using this + what effects it would have on my tires etc and my racing in general?

Also, would the throttle that comes with the Joystick (see pic) be good for my acceleration etc?

One last question;

What would be easier to drive with if the Joystick does work, the Joystick or the XBOX 360 controller? I've used the joystick in racing games and the like before but i've no idea of how it would function with this game. (I've had no problems using it before, or difficulty with controls.)
#2 - Jakg
Joystick is the second best to wheels imo. Use the Joystick for accelerator AND steering, though.

Forget the throttle idea, i tried it and it was an UTTER failure.
#3 - Docco
So have the X axes for acceleration and braking and the Y for steering i suppose aye?

Will all the other buttons on the Joystick work for other uses in LFS too? I've yet to find a simulator where i've had to use ALL of them, but they're really handy :P
I've got the pro version of this thing and although i've never tried it with LFS it should be fine.

You will be able to use all the buttons in LFS, and it might be worth trying to use the throttle for accelerator and brake. You'll have to take all the resistance off it, and the detentes might get in the way, but with a bit of practice it should ok.

edit: not sure if Jakg has this HOTAS stick ?, but it's a good quality piece of kit, much better than an old MS stick with that tiny little slider throttle thing .
#5 - Jakg
I dont have it, but i've tried it with my cheap-ass Thrustmaster POS thing-ma-jig.
#6 - Docco
Righto, cheers for the quick replies

I'll give it a go with and without the throttle and let you know how it goes when i get around to getting the game.

Saitek X52?
(6 posts, started )