The online racing simulator
1977 vs 2007
(18 posts, started )
1977 vs 2007
Scenario: Johnny and Mark get into a fistfight after school.

1977 - Crowd gathers. Mark wins. Johnny and Mark shake hands and end up mates.

2007 - Police are called, Armed Response Unit arrives and arrests Johnny and Mark. Mobiles with video of fight confiscated as evidence. They are charged with assault, ASBOs are taken out and both are suspended even though Johnny started it. Diversionary conferences and parent meetings conducted. Video shown on 6 internet sites.

Scenario: Jeffrey won't sit still in class, disrupts other students.

1977 - Jeffrey is sent to the principal's office and given 6 of the best. Returns to class, sits still and does not disrupt class again.

2007 - Jeffrey is given huge doses of Ritalin. Counselled to death. Becomes a zombie. Tested for ADD. School gets extra funding because Jeffrey has a disability. Drops out of school.

Scenario: Billy breaks a window in his neighbour's car and his Dad gives him the slipper.

1977 - Billy is more careful next time, grows up normal, goes to college, and becomes a successful businessman.

2007 - Billy's dad is arrested for child abuse. Billy is removed to foster care and joins a gang. Psychologist tells Billy's sister that she remembers being abused herself and their dad goes to prison. Billy's mum has an affair with the psychologist. Psychologist gets a promotion.

Scenario: Mark, a college student, brings cigarettes to school .

1977 - Mark shares a smoke with the school principal out on the smoking area.

2007 - Police are called and Mark is expelled from School for drug possession. His car is searched for drugs and weapons.

Scenario: Mohammed fails high school English.

1977 - Mohammed retakes his exam, passes and goes to college.

2007 - Mohammed's cause is taken up by local human rights group. Newspaper articles appear nationally explaining that making English a requirement for graduation is racist. Civil Liberties Association files class action lawsuit against state school system and his English teacher. English is banned from core curriculum. Mohammed is given his qualification anyway but ends up mowing lawns for a living because he cannot speak English.

Scenario: Johnny takes apart leftover firecrackers, puts them in a model plane paint bottle and blows up an anthill.

1977 - Ants die.

2007 - MI5 and police are called and Johnny is charged with perpetrating acts of terrorism. Teams investigate parents, siblings are removed from the home, computers are confiscated, and Johnny's dad goes on a terror watch list and is never allowed to fly again.

Scenario: Johnny falls during break and scrapes his knee. His teacher, Mary, finds him crying, and gives him a hug to comfort him.

1977 - Johnny soon feels better and goes back to playing.

2007 - Mary is accused of being a sexual predator and loses her job. She faces three years in prison. Johnny undergoes five years of therapy. Becomes gay.
Yup, the world has gone mad. These are the kinds of things I rant about all the time
How true this all is too....
I know the german version of this...

Society is getting worse atm. I remember a grandpa stating on Tv that he was afraid of being acused of sexual abuse for letting his grandchild sit on his lap. And I, working in a kindergarden as a housekeeper atm, am looked on special by some of the parents and educators too, just for working there.

But I'm sure this will change again
Now you know why Sam Tyler jumped off the roof instead of staying in 2007, Life on Mars rules.
No, I know this is intended for a laugh, but it's total alarmist bullshit. Media pumps stuff up, gets people riled up, and they push back just as hard.

Scenario 1: The 1977 option still happens all the time and the 2007 option happens a lot more rarely than we'd think. Moreover, it's not like parents interfering in their children's affairs (ha ha) is a new thing.

Scenario 2: 1977 option seems a bit overoptimistic. People who are determined to misbehave will do so in the face of a spanking. Ritalin and associated drugs sometimes do work. Of course they're abused or misused, but the overall principle is not incorrect.

Scenario 3: Becomes a successful businessman? lol. This one's a little too bizarre to properly comment on.

Scenario 4: Mhm.

Scenario 5: Ugh.

Scenario 6: Johnny's a f**king sociopath.

Scenario 7: Becomes gay? Dear God! At least we know the cause now.

Typical fearmongering reactionary grass-is-always-greener crap. Woohoo.

There was no golden age, people.
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Now you know why Sam Tyler jumped off the roof instead of staying in 2007, Life on Mars rules.


REAL LIFE RULES, not this Blair/Brown/Bush induced NIGHTMARE!!!
Quote from DeadWolfBones :No, I know this is intended for a laugh, but it's total alarmist bullshit. Media pumps stuff up, gets people riled up, and they push back just as hard.

True, however there is still too much red tape these days, and political correctness has gone too far. I had a big grin on my face after the governments reaction to The Archbishop of Canterbury's comment, that adopting parts of Islamic Sharia law could help social cohesion. Every party came out against the comment, my favourite quote being from the party I vote for...Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg said "Equality before the law is part of the glue that binds our society together. We cannot have a situation where there is one law for one person and different laws for another."

I think even the government has realised that their softness is having a serious impact on society. They are planning changes to the police force, making civilians do the paperwork which could put thousands more police back on the beat. They are cracking down on knife and gun crime which is on the rise in the UK, with heavy setences for carrying a knife.

We don't want to go back to 1977, but we could do with more freedom in this so called free west. In the UK we don't even have the right to free protest, you have to get permission from the police before you so much as wave a banner that says 'peace'.
It's like governments are trying to make everything binary. It's either 100% legal or it's 100% illegal, which is not the way real life works.

For example, the recent outlawing of parents smacking children. I got smacked as a kid. My friends got smacked as kids. It's a f*cking good way of making a little brat think twice about doing something nasty, because your ass can seriously sting after a slap.
But there's a world of difference between a hand across the backside and child abuse.

But it's far easier to slap (pardon the pun) a blanket ban on any physical contact, meaning that badly behaved children go unhindered. Mention the f*cking "naughty step" to me and I will punch you in the face. I wouldn't have bothered about a naughty step and I was an angel compared to some kids I've seen.

And that same attitude has been applied to colour, race, gender, age. One of my other bugbears is the OBLIGATION companies have to employ ethnic minorities, irrelevant of how suitable or good they are at the job.
You can't justify failing to employ someone on the basis of colour or background, that's fair enough. But these days you MUST employ them if your company doesn't meet the numbers? So a totally useless minority person has a safe job where an equally-unskilled majority person would be out on their ass? Dumb dumb dumb. Bad for the business, bad for the company's reputation.
Now if it were me I would be offended by the fact that the only reason I had my job was not because I was good at it, but because I looked a certain way. Sounds like prejudice to me.

Bugger, this got more ranty than I intended. Nonetheless, I have 18 months worth of ranting on my blog. I'm sure you can find it in my sig if you look carefully enough
Quote from Dajmin :It's like governments are trying to make everything binary. It's either 100% legal or it's 100% illegal, which is not the way real life works.

Laws are binary by nature.

However, not everything needs to be governed by a law. That's where the trouble comes in.
#12 - 5haz
I feel kinda gutted that i dont know any different than this, I was still 15 years in the future in 1977 lol

I think the problem is that although the govt wants everyone to have equal opportunities, they still put people into groups, e.g. ethnic minorities white people, muslims so on so on, what needs to happen is that the govt treats us all as 'the people', no 'people from ethnic minorities' or 'white people', just people, then everyone is treated the same, when the govt says they want eveyone to be treated equally, they only ever talk about rights for 'ethnic minorities', they never talk about equal opportunities for white people, and so now White people are being discriminated against, and so there is no real equality.

As said in previous posts, the colour of your skin gets you jobs nowadays, not your skills, so overall nothings changed discrimination wise, now its just the other way round.
Quote from Dajmin :One of my other bugbears is the OBLIGATION companies have to employ ethnic minorities, irrelevant of how suitable or good they are at the job.
You can't justify failing to employ someone on the basis of colour or background, that's fair enough. But these days you MUST employ them if your company doesn't meet the numbers? So a totally useless minority person has a safe job where an equally-unskilled majority person would be out on their ass? Dumb dumb dumb. Bad for the business, bad for the company's reputation.
Now if it were me I would be offended by the fact that the only reason I had my job was not because I was good at it, but because I looked a certain way. Sounds like prejudice to me.

Got to agree 1000% company INSISTS on making sure that all the boxes are ticked; it makes me puke!
For example, our General Manger is a woman (No prob there, she is there on merit!)
We have a Claims Manager who only got the job because he is gay, and the Express Manager was chosen the same way.
A recent vacancy for a Controller was advertised globally, but the ONLY people shortlisted were female; because at that time we never had a female controller. The one who got the job is f**king useless!
Another peach job was given to a guy just because they didnt happen to have any Asian Muslims.....
Only thing left now is to wonder where the hell they are going to put one of the drivers who is having a gender change op later this year!!
White people are oh so persecuted.
Quote from DeadWolfBones :White people are oh so persecuted.

My problem isn't persecution, it's being pi$$ed off that people get jobs BECAUSE of race/belief/sexual orientation, and NOT on merit or capability of being able to do the job.
I don't give a $hit WHAT colour somebody is, what God they worship, or where they like to stick there privates....what bothers me is whether than can DO the f**king job!

As you can probably tell, this is a subject that does provoke a negative reaction on my part
Quote from Kalev EST :Becomes gay.

i would have stopped reading at that point even if it werent the last words
Quote from DeadWolfBones :

Scenario 3: Becomes a successful businessman? lol. This one's a little too bizarre to properly comment on.

but its true isnt it?..
Thanks Kalev EST, that post made my day

1977 vs 2007
(18 posts, started )