The online racing simulator
Czech translation - driving lessons
(18 posts, started )
Czech translation - driving lessons
Hello all, I translated all the training lessons into czech. Some people tested it and I corrected some mistakes. If some czech racers here want to test it, they can, I wil be glad if they want to...

Here is the zip file with those translations.

edit: final verison...
Attached files - 14.6 KB - 248 views
Thank you. :up:

I have saved these in my patch folder.

If you make any changes, please post again here and I'll receive the notification and get the updates.
Isnt it great that members can help the devs!!!
(Flame CZE) DELETED by Flame CZE
Scawen here is probably the final version of those lesson translations. (also added into first post)
Attached files - 14.6 KB - 215 views
Wow - just in time!
Great job catching it flame!
Autocross Course_MRT
Thanks, I have saved Autocross Course and Westhill Testdrive to my patch folder.
Updated several lesson translations
Updated lesson translations :

Aston Testdrive - BF1_Czech
Braking - GTI_Czech
Fast Slalom - Formula BMW_Czech
Highspeed Braking - Formula BMW_Czech
Rallyx Braking - XR GT_Czech
Testdrive - Formula BMW_Czech

(corrected typos)
Attached files
Aston Testdrive - BF1_Czech.txt - 370 B - 226 views
Fast Slalom - Formula BMW_Czech.txt - 257 B - 195 views
Highspeed Braking - Formula BMW_Czech.txt - 516 B - 204 views
Rallyx Braking - XR GT_Czech.txt - 277 B - 209 views
Testdrive - Formula BMW_Czech.txt - 404 B - 218 views
Braking - GTI_Czech.txt - 659 B - 240 views
Thanks, I've saved them to my patch folder.
Nice, ill try to do the same with spanish if its ok
About doing Spanish training lessons, thanks for your offer. I prefer not to make that decision myself - the Spanish translator is in charge of that translation. So it would be good if you could contact DeXteRrBDN and discuss with him if he would be happy for you to translate the training lessons. If he's happy with it, after they are done and well tested then we could include them in a patch.
Ok Scawen ill send him a PM then to ask him
I was quite bored today, so I checked the translations again and corrected some punctuation mistakes, rewrote some sentences and made some various fixes in the most of the lessons. I hope you won't mind
Attached files - 11.5 KB - 207 views
Thanks, I have saved those updates to my patch folder.
Got that - thank you.

Czech translation - driving lessons
(18 posts, started )