Neh, I don't think so, castellano and spanish are almost the same, you can read each other without any problems, maybe it would be better if instead of "castellano" it was "español". Also castellano is usead in almost all parts of America but USA, Brazil, Canada and some other countrys that I don't recall, so using the argentinean flag woudn't be representative of the language.
Is it bad that the first thing I did after installing this patch was cleansing my computer of the Union Jack and getting a Canadian flag in there?
Great patch Scawen, maybe not quite useful for us single-byte speakers, but I'm sure that when I'm 졸려, it might give me something to do.
(Go Google Translate 졸려 if you please, it'll be fun I swear, it even tells the true meaning! Maybe later I'll get my friend to say Thanks.)
Not a bug, but an oversight or technical limitation of Windows. Whatever, it's very annoying, you can't just paste text into a program using the language it has been set to. To make this work you'd have to set Korean as the "language to match the language version of the non-Unicode programs you want to use". But then every backslash you see in Windows will appear as a Won currency symbol and there are various other issues. And this takes a restart every time you change it.
Even if you have multiple languages installed, you can only type into LFS using the language you have set as the "language to match the language version of the non-Unicode programs you want to use".
Multibyte characters are not supported in LFS for Windows 98 / ME. Windows XP and Vista should work well but you may need to install fonts.
If you have Windows XP and currently cannot see the East Asian translations, here's how to set up your computer so it works. See the attachment, in Control Panel click on "Regional and Language Options" then under the "Languages" tab select "Install files for East Asian Languages". Windows will probably ask you to get your XP CD and the fonts will be installed from it.
I'd like to add this information to the first post in the thread but first I'd like to hear if this does the job for you so I know if these instructions are enough. This is important so you can see East Asian text and player names correctly when you are online.
Ahh, so nothing that I'd want to use unless explicitly setting up a computer for someone who speaks one of the offending languages. No problem with that
About Castellano and Spanish, my understanding is that there are a few different languages spoken in Spain, such as Castellano, Galician, Catalonian. And these are all Spanish languages although "Spanish" does normally refer to Castellano because it's the most widely spoken language in Spain.
But to be correct, it should be called Castellano to distinguish it from the other Spanish languages.
Here is an article describing how it is known as Castellano in Spain and Espanol in South America.
What do you mean? Can you give a full description of the bug or paste a link to the report? I did not do anything that was specific to one track. I can't remember what this is.
You ran out of characters, I'll increase the character buffer space.
But I see a problem there with your Japanese and Traditional Chinese fonts which seem to be very wide and characters are being cut off. If you select those languages and click on the font selection button at the top, which font do you see at the top of the list?
EDIT : Strange, most of the characters are being drawn correctly but a lot of them are being drawn too narrow. In fact they are being drawn the right size but it seems they are reporting to LFS that they are narrower than they are so they are being cut off. It looks like a fault related to that selected Thrustmapper font. If you select another font I think it will work.
I think i could be wrong. Does the dedi server automatically revert to the closest weather config number to the one you put in? i thought it might show a error and close the LFS.exe but it doesnt seem to react. For example. AS1 if i input (4) would it goto 2 as its closest in line.
I get a different selection of fonts, depending on which language I choose in LFS. The first in each list is...
Traditional Chinese - Tahoma.
Simplified Chinese - SimHei.
Japanese - MS PGothic.
Korean - Gulim.
It always seems to choose the Thrustmapper fonts by default, which I'm guessing are fonts which were installed by the Thrustmaster software used by my wheel.
I deleted my deb.log file, then ran LFS and selected Japanese, then exited. This is the file it produced.
Scawen, another slight issue I had with Traditional Chinese with SimHei at 600 (I don't know what that number means) font, there seems to be a bit of overdrawing of textures, clipping the sides of other fonts, creating little dots on the left sides.
EDIT: Happens at all values atleast though with SimHei, just the size of the . are bigger.