I just downloaded S2 Version "Y" to my work computer and I am unable to get the program to open.
When the Icon is sellected I get a popup stating: "Could not detect any suitable screen modes" / "possible error in graphics driver"
Has anyone seen this before and have any suggections on a possible correction. I have updated my DirectX but no help.
The system is Windows 2000 Pro with 1.8 gig processor and 500,000
kb ram if that helps.
Thanks Bryan
When the Icon is sellected I get a popup stating: "Could not detect any suitable screen modes" / "possible error in graphics driver"
Has anyone seen this before and have any suggections on a possible correction. I have updated my DirectX but no help.
The system is Windows 2000 Pro with 1.8 gig processor and 500,000
kb ram if that helps.
Thanks Bryan