The online racing simulator
IE 7 Beta - Someone @ MS likes LFS
#2 - Jakg
And it was Eric that noticed it!!!!!

Just not 'our' Eric
LOL! It must be a conspiracy!! Prepare your foil hats!!!!
Quote from deggis :LOL! It must be a conspiracy!! Prepare your foil hats!!!!

Pfeh. You don't honestly think that the government is going to let you buy REAL tinfoil, do you? It's all crap aluminium, which can actually INTENSIFY their mind control waves. A wet towel is your only hope.

And hotlapping. Lots of hotlapping.
#7 - ORION
IE7... hm gotta install that one too ... guess vic will have his fun with it either o_0
Quote from Clownpaint :IE sucks. Even the new one.

DEstroy it.
#9 - Jakg
Quote from Clownpaint :IE sucks. Even the new one.

i expected it to at least compete with FF, but it didnt, FF just pwns it
Quote from Jakg :i expected it to at least compete with FF

LOL are you serious? illepall
#11 - Vain
Isn't that what MS has been about for the last 8 years?

#13 - Jakg
Quote from ORION :LOL are you serious? illepall

i thought it would be as good as Firefox 1, although the extensions will always make FF better, but i was wrong, it just looks confusing (like WLM i suppose)
I have just installed it for testing purposes and well... LOL it's even crappier than expected. Not even a menu is there... like file, edit etc.
You can only reach that with some strange toolbar thingie, and additionally the developer toolbar I downloaded doesnt work... urhm

Did I mention that all fonts are unsharp with ugly contrast effect?
(white border on black ground, yellow on blue ground, etc.)

[EDIT] look at the attachment
Attached images
ORION, that's ClearType and it's enabled by default. You can turn it off.

I find it strange everyone is giving IE7 such a hard time. They are doing a lot of innovative work in the interface and while it might take you time to adjust to it, it'll be for the better. IE7, as is Office 12, is moving away from the conventional (and highly non user friendly) "File/Edit..." toolbar, because many of the options available in it are either not relevant to the majority of your tasks, or are not used.

While they're doing, in my opinion, good work to the interface part, they also introduce some good enhancements to existing metaphors. Asa Dotzler, leader of Mozilla QA and Testing and co-founder of Spread Firefox, has pointed out some of these in a recent blog post.

They're also doing good work in the standards compliance department. Still not as good as competitors, but they're at least doing something and increases support for standards originating from 1996 and 1998. While the Beta 2 Preview also introduces some bugs in its standards support, I think it's really good to see that they're actively working on the rendering engine and actively hacking away at it too...
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
At least it's going in (vaguely) the right direction. Standards compliance and alpha enabled PNG support will allow for some of the more advanced design ideas to be brought in to the mainstream, and the plugin manager should at least aid in curbing those self installing toolbars and spyware / adware junk.

Not to mention you can use it to get around WGA by disabling the WGA plugin. Why you'd need to do that though I couldn't begin to imagine. *snig-ger* (dumb word filter)

When it comes out of beta, if Microsoft pushes this as a recommended download through auto update, at least it is good news for website implementors. It won't have an immediate impact, but if it does happen it signals the end of the IE6 workarounds in favour of the inevitable, mostly undiscovered, and hopefully less numerable IE7 workarounds.
Quote from Clownpaint :Wow, a silly interface that your average joe won't make head to tail from and a bit more standards compliancy.

*dumps Firefox, IE is where it's at!

Yes, thanks for putting words in my mouth. I figured someone would do that.

I am Mozilla Firefox user and I won't ever switch back to IE or any other browser myself. My point is that people shouldn't put down IE7 like that, because it contains stuff other browsers should take a look at.

thisnameistaken, I agree, but it's not the like you can't overcome the lack of support for it either.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Quote from Clownpaint :IE sucks. Even the new one.

well thats where your wrong. for my dad, IE7 is the best choice, ff just doesnt work in his favor and the new phishing security in IE7 is great
Quote from Anarchi-H :At least it's going in (vaguely) the right direction.

Sort of agree tbh...

Quote from Anarchi-H :When it comes out of beta, if Microsoft pushes this as a recommended download through auto update, at least it is good news for website implementors. It won't have an immediate impact, but if it does happen it signals the end of the IE6 workarounds in favour of the inevitable, mostly undiscovered, and hopefully less numerable IE7 workarounds.

I'm not so sure I agree, in the versions I've tested its a case of "some bugs are fixed, but we've put some different ones in just to keep you on your toes"...Oh dear. Plus how many people actually download their updates, not as many as you'd think

With regards to phishing, etc. None of these features are available by default in Firefox, or alternatives, but they are available as extensions. Interestingly enough both of my colleagues are total Microsoft nuts, absolutely love the new IE but mentioned "it looks a bit like Firefox".... :o
#20 - Gunn
Idiotic Enterprise
Imbocil's Endevour
Incoherently Engineered
Impractical Execution

ie: IE
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
#21 - Gunn
Quote from thisnameistaken :Dude, never misspell "Imbecile" on a forum.

Edit: Hmm. "Endeavour" is also misspelled. Is the joke on me?

Nope, the beer was in me.
Innovation Exception?
#23 - Gunn
Ill Effects.
Quote from thisnameistaken :Until one of the major browsers supports min-width, I'm not talking to any of them.

Firefox (and Mozilla), Safari and Opera ALL support min-width and max-width NOW.

IE7 also will support it.
#25 - thd
My browser is cooler than your browser :talktohan
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken