The online racing simulator
Momo Racewheel and Fox DirtPaw gloves
hey guys, i made this momo wheel (looks better in lighter areas), copying my own, and i also made these Fox DirtPaw gloves copying my own again.

Momo Wheel:

Fox DirtPaw gloves:

Momo Race Wheel.rar
Fox DirtPaw Gloves.rar

as this is my first try at a wheel or gloves, feedback is much appreciated.
Attached files
Fox DirtPaw Gloves.rar - 143 KB - 423 views
Momo Race Wheel.rar - 210 KB - 442 views
Theres been a few downloads, but no feedback? i much appreciate it.
its monday...everyone is either tired or at work...Wait a while..

Nice work BTW, gonna download and have a look.
Nice Gloves , i using it
People seem to like my gloves, i have had quite a few downloads.
Thanks guys!
that gloves are awesome!!
good job
he he no problemo big kev, i hope you like your helmet
nice gloves
Nice work. Both the wheel and cloves look cool.
thank you