*new Team* [720]
(10 posts, started )
*new Team* [720]
Hello I'm [720-R] Mogey. Welcome to the adaptive world of [720] Racing. A 720 degree angle is nothing less than [720]. This team launched a few days ago. It has made its way to the LFS Forum! To join go to www.720.forum5.com heres what the lettersa infront of 720 mean. [720-R] = 720 Racing Division. [720-RY] = 720 Rally division. [720-D] = 720 Drag division. More divisions coming soon. Again this is [720] Mogey signing off.
New Member
We have recruited a new member:

LFS forum name: N/A
Position: Learner
Division: Race
LFS Ingame name: [720-R] Tommy
Good luck with your team, you should get S2 too.
Thank you.
Website is up! www.freewebs.com/720team! For downloads go to 720download.selfip.com (note downloads server may not be online as Abyss Web Server is crashing alot)
The downloads server is up YAY Cheers!:headbang:
Congrats on team mate! Good luck with it!
(testtest) DELETED by testtest
(testtest) DELETED by testtest
We went s2 now! YAY!
#9 - Nemox

You have my msn, can i join your team?

*new Team* [720]
(10 posts, started )